Chapter 28

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He didn't mean to hurt me, and I'm sure he knows I won't forget him so easily. In fact I might have considered Spencer before Chris came along but now the thought alone makes my heart ache. There's that tiny niggle in the back of my mind, though, that it will happen for him. He's surrounded by gorgeous women day in and day out and I can't expect him to stay single for long.

Leaning on the cool railing the salty breeze tingles the inside of my nose and ruffles the skirt of my dress, the rhythmic waves crashing onto the shore below like the percussion track to the musical babble from inside.

I hear the footsteps behind me, the beloved scent that my body automatically responds to even if my brain still replays his words in anger. He stands behind me and cages me in with his arms, his warmth against my back and a glass of champagne with a juicy raspberry floating at the top presented in front of me. It's a bold move, given he agreed to leave me alone to cool off less than half an hour ago. He can't stand the idea that I might be mad at him and our palpably limited time only twists the knife.

Taking the glass from his hand I let my head rest back against his collarbone and pull his free hand around my waist.

"I overreacted. I love you and I don't want to be mad at you anymore."

"I love you too, babe. I'm so sorry, that was really careless of me."

"It's forgotten."

I turn in his arms and kiss him slowly, the bubbles from his champagne still dancing on his tongue as it slips between my lips.

"You want to get out of here?"

"Isn't it a bit early?"

"I'm going to see these guys for another few weeks, yet. There will be another wrap party at the end, but there won't be another Amelia."

"There better not be." I laugh and let him sway me around the narrow balcony to the music drifting out from inside. He kisses my head and then gasps.

"Shooting star!"

"Make a wish, Pinocchio."

"Have you been to Disneyland?"

"I've never been to America, so that's a no."

"I'm taking you there." He's suddenly animated like a five year old and I can almost see the cogs working away furiously in his brain. "What if... what if you come over after Christmas?"


His eyes plead with me to go along with it, even though we both know it will never happen.

"Ok, what if I come over after Christmas..."

"And we'll stay... screw it we'll just stay at the resort, you gotta give me three days so we can do it right, and then we'll have enough time to try out the restaurants. You can hold my hand in the Haunted Mansion and share a Swan with me..."

"It will be perfect."

He nods and looks at me through those ridiculously thick dark lashes, his eyes bluer than the ocean and shining with moisture. I reach up and stroke his stubbled cheek and he nuzzles into it with a quiet sniffle.

"You really love Disneyland, huh?" I attempt to lighten the mood before we both start crying like fools.

"Yeah," he laughs.

"So did you make a wish?"

"I sure did."

There's a thousand more words in his soft lips than he could ever say out loud and his kiss lingers for what feels like hours.

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