Chapter 10

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I shiver and tug my leather jacket tight around my chest, I've underestimated the change in climate coming back to Sydney and adding a layer over a thin maxi dress just isn't cutting it. Meg opens the door and greets me with a hug.

"What's on the Gold Coast?" She asks a few minutes later over a cup of coffee.

"Chris," I say simply, watching her eyes widen.

"You're really into him, huh?"

"Yeah. It's hard not to be. He's pretty amazing."

"And pretty," she laughs. "You should see the way he looks at you."

"We're, you know... it was supposed to be casual but I think we've both given up on that. It will all be over in a few months so we're just enjoying one another until then I guess."

"I'll say, judging by the bite mark on your neck."

"What?" I put my hand up to my neck, already knowing where I'll find the tender spot, remembering his lips and teeth on my skin as I ground my hips into his. "Shit."

Meg is laughing at my bright red face as I take a long drink from my mug. "Sorry, I thought I should tell you in case you didn't notice before tomorrow."

"Thank you. So professional of me." I chuckle.

"You don't need to worry, honey. I wish someone would do that to me once in a while."

"Let's talk about Rubi, shall we?"

She giggles. "Ok, she's healthy, her left ear tends to get a bit yeasty. You'll know when she starts scratching at it, I've just used some anti fungal ointment and cleaned it twice a day until it clears. I did a baseline temperature for three days and she's averaging 38.7, I'll put the chart in with her things so you can see the daily variation."

"Meg, that's incredible. You didn't have to do that."

"I know. I knew it would be helpful and I feel awful making you take her so early when you've got enough going on."

"Don't feel bad, I'm stoked you kept her as long as you did. I know if she hadn't been with you her fate would have been much worse."

"She's had some basic training and is fairly consistent, walks well on a lead, she's still at normal activity level and I've just increased her food slightly."

"You're amazing, Meg. I don't know how you fit it all in."

"Well I don't have sexy actors chasing after me giving me love bites."

"Ha ha. All right, Friday morning we'll take my two and Rubi for a walk and introduce them and then I'll take her with me."

When at last I open the door and find that Kat has already brought my dogs in, I'm sniffed and licked to within an inch of my life and ready to collapse into a coma. My phone is flashing next to my head when I wake at six and there's a message waiting from Chris thanking me again for the weekend and wishing me sweet dreams.

I might have missed the intent by falling asleep early but it's a lovely start to an easy day. Being called in to two emergencies Wednesday and Thursday night – one a caesarian puppy delivery for a chihuahua and the other a very sorry rottweiler who ingested a sock – I'm not feeling too energetic on Friday and can only hope the first meeting of my new little pack goes without a hitch.

I'm fortunate that both of my dogs are relaxed and accepting of new additions, whether that is by nature or nurture. I've temporarily cared for other dogs before, and they've always been willing to adapt and welcome their new playmate, even calming the behaviour of one particular nervous and snappy dachshund.

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