Itachi x kakashi

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Itachi pov

"Kakashi..... kakashi where are you?" Been searching for him for an hour damn it.

"Kakazu have you seen the crow." Kakazu just looked up at me from the table with stacks of money looking at me for a couple of minutes before turning back around.


I walked to Kisame second knocking on his door of our compound.

"Kisame have you seen Kakashi?"

"Nope,I've just been home acting normal....doing nothing....just absolutely..." A guilty look was ridden all over his face.

"I don't care what you've done." I walked away from the room door sighing in frustration. I'm starting to get annoyed.

The only reason why I was able to keep Kakashi is because Pain was feeling generous. If pain heard of this and he makes it back to his village.

I shivered. I didn't even what to think about that right now.

I walked up the hallway checking my bed room one more time before I breathed in and out.

"Ugh hidan stop." I herd a tiny voice coming from down the hallway.

Hell no OH HELL NO.

"What's wrong were just trying something new." I stood in front of the door my blood boiling.

"S-stop NO NO."

"Shut up pipsqueak I'm doing you a favor."

"No I don't what to wear it you can't make me!"


"No no get away ah ah." I herd moans suddenly come up and I stared at the door planning hid and death.

"Come on I promise you'll like it 100% percent."

"No, I'm not getting mixed up in that." At that comment my eyes got wide.

'What the f-' I pressed my ears up against the door.

"Come on you know you want to experience this who dosent."







Ok I've had enough I burst through the door. All I saw was yes Hidan was sitting between Kakashi's legs but instead of what I though was happening.

(What do you guys think was happening😉)

I saw Hidan with his stupid pendant in his hand trying to put it over kakashi's head.

"Oh.     Hey itachi tell you pet to put this on." I let out a sign of relief that this didn't have to end in Hidans blood.

" I let out a sign of relief that this didn't have to end in Hidans blood

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I picked up Kakashi. Him huddling in my arms.

"Nobody's doing your stupid ritual thing." I hurried and closed the door before I herd a string of curses come out of his mouth and I walked away with Kakashi going back to his room.

I laid him back on the bed.

"Why did you move."

"Hidan came and got me then we went back to his room." I hugged but he got on his knees on the bed leaning over to kiss me.

I made him wait a little before I kissed him back grabbing the back of his head and kissing him more heavily and I slid my hand down to his but squeezing it.

He turned away to moan blushing red coming to his cheeks.

"Next time I see you in another mans room it'll be punishment." I smacked his butt making him squeak.

"Yes  masutā."
I believe masutā means master at least that's what Google said.😂😂😂😂

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