Obito x kakashi

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(Ugh I'm sitting next to a couple in class and their so f-ing annoying NOBODY CARES OR WHATS TO SEE YOU CUDDLED UP WITH HER witch gives me idea.)

Obito pov

"No Kotesu you and Izumi are annoying while me and Kakashi are more quiet, sexy couple" I flashed a smile before re adjusting my arms with the heavy papers we were suppose to be delivering to lady tusnade.

"No no no no you and Kakashi are actually the annoying as hell couple that pisses everybody off with your constant cuddling."

"We do not"

"LIES" Kotesu yelled causing all the papers to fly on the ground bellow me. I rolled my eyes as he leaned against the tree setting down his stack on the ground to wait for me.

"Oh really what about that one time when you and Izumi where cuddling at the gate inertness, you know when his headway on your and he was blushing your hand on his ass and he looked like he was ready for a good hard fu-"

"STOP that's not what we were doing alright ass anyway w-what about you and Kakashi when he was so drunk at the table and you stopped drinking so that you could put him in your lap to take care of him." I saw Kotesu smirk at me and just as he did my cocky smirk went down.

"HOW DARE YOU I was just simply taking care of my boyfriend." Kotesu picked up his papers and started to walk down the road but not before yelling something over his shoulder.

"You know you don't have to get defensive i was just pointing out your the more annoying couple. I frowned watching him walk towards the hokage tower.
Late I sat next to Kakashi on our couch the sun winding down with us as we cuddles on the couch drinking in each other's presence. I looked down at his mask less face, the eye that we share, the adorable beauty mark that sat under his lip and the concentrated eyes deep in thought.

"Hey Kakashi?"


"Do see strike as the annoying couple?" He looked up at me.

"Did Kotesu ask you that."

"Wa YEAH how'd you know"

"Izumi told me today but when he asked me I said yeah we probably are that couple."


"Inside voices obito and why do you find it surprising Kotesu and Izumi talk and act to each other like their best friends." I shrugged taking kakashi's hand from my mouth.

'I guess he is right' I kissed the middle of his palm before running the semi cold hand.

"See that's what I'm talking about obito."

"What what are you talking about."

"Us the sappy couple you always hold my hand, watch over me in the hospital,  take care of me in my worst days, bring me up when I'm down, and you always kiss my hand and cheeks." I looked confused.

"Yeah so are the sappy couple I get it."

"Yeah we may be the sappy couple but old Obito would have never done that in my defense on top of telling Izumi that we were the more musher couple I wouldn't want it any different way." Kakashi laid his head back down on my chest as he relaxed once more I could feel some blush coming up at kakashi's words.

Yeah, we matmy be the more mushy couple but maybe we're also the most happiest.


Kakashi uke one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora