Kyuubi x kakashi

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(Just a quick one this time 😅)

Kyuubi pov

You know i let a lot of things go since I separated from naruto.

I let it go that I was stuck with the yellow ball of energy for years.
(What kyuubi looks like)

I let it go when I was held in prison for a year because they thought I was dangerous

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I let it go when I was held in prison for a year because they thought I was dangerous. I sat in their for 3 months doing nothing.

I let it go that I was stupid enough to fall in love with his stupid senpai.

I let it go that i now had to share an apartment with the scarecrow.


"WHERE THE F**KING POWDER DONUTS I PAID FOR THAT SHIT AND LEFT IT RIGHT HERE." I slammed the pantry door closed breathing in and out steam practically coming out of my nose.

I breathed in and out. Okay okay breath in and out everything is a-okay. Maybe their just in the fridge.

I opened the fridge, their not in there.

"Oh kakashi sweetheart baby darling." I slammed the fridge closed and I walked into the living room where kakashi sat their with his mask over his face but also a suspicious hand over it. I stood in front of kakashi blocking the tv.

"Kakashi are you eating my powder donuts under that horrid mask." He shook his head side to side really fast but even if I was particularly blind I would still see the scarecrow trying to swallow something.

I narrowed my eyes.

I pinned him on the couch pulling down his mask.

"Wha- get off kyuubi!"

"Hmmm what is this?" I pointed to the pure white powder on the inside of his mask.

"Hmmmm? What the shit is this Kakashi."


"Hmmm? I can't hear you WHAT IS THIS." Kakashi twiddled his thumbs.

"Okay you got me its cocaine." I just stared down at him.

"Wait" I chuckled.

"What did you just say."

"It's cocaine I have a serious problem this is no laughing matter."

"You've got to be kidding me." Kakashi stood up.

"I'm offended dear sir." He turned around and head for the bedroom but right in the middle of his walk I plastic wrapper fell out of his pocket a singular donut still in the wrapper.

"You little shit you are getting punished so bad."


"Nope you did this to yourself." I picked up kakashi and threw him on the bed.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." I straddled him on the bed.

But kakashi your cocaine addiction I still need to help you with it too."

"No I think I'm okay."

"Nope but don't worry." I unbuttoned my pants and I winked at him.

"I'll get you addicted to something else."💕
I got this from a03 and I thought it was so funny😂😂
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