Asuma x kakashi

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Asuma pov

I looked down at Kakashi seeing his chest go up and down slowly in the rare state of sleep that shinobi's usually don't get. I had woken up early myself. I had just finished a mission last night I had got banged up a bit and felt like death when we reached the gates so I decided to crash at my boyfriends.

I don't remember much just that he brought me though my usual routine.he had already known that I was coming anyway I usually did on a late night.

I don't know how he knew but over the corse of three years Kakashi knew everything about me but I was just getting started.

Don't even get me started the first time I tried to take him out. It took 3 times the first time was my fault I chickened out. (Yes ninjas get nervous too) the second time him and Gai were in a contest and I knew I couldn't get through to that. The last time I nailed it even though his face was in one of his perverted books.

Our first kiss is when I finally get some information on him but only his birthday September 15 a fall baby it seemed so right for the scarecrow.

Our first day was a funny one that's when I dropped his nickname on him kitten I've never seen his face so red  in his life even over the mask that night he kept his face in his book but I thought it was pretty cute. Even Kakashi blushes.

The first time we did *it* he was just as adorable I never expected Kakashi to be shy while we were doing it. It's was also I found out that kakashi's body is has no scars anywhere on his body just a clear view of his pale clear legs not a single scratch on him. I told him he looks even prettier with his legs open, I got hit for that one.

I learned the very last thing the day I went to the monument rock with him. I know that Kakashi is afraid of lost he's afraid of getting left behind. After being left by his dad, his team, his sempai and toad sage  when he died. Kakashi may have not had any scars on the outside put he had deep scares on the inside. He even confessed how scared he was with my close scrap with hidan I barely survived that. I learned that even Kakashi can cry.

I laid their kakashi's  dark eyes now stared up at me with such a heavily lidded eyes it almost looked like he was bored with me.

"Did I wake you?"

"You think too hard, that's what woke me up."

"My Bad I was just thinking about my mission last night kitten." I saw the same blush come up on his cheek.

"Stop it I'm not cute."

"Then I think you need to look in the mirror with your mask off then." A hearty laugh left me as Kakashi put his hand on my face smudging  it down back to the pillows beneath me. I kissed his hand.

"Thank you for taking care of me." He rolled his eye leaving a small little peck on my lips laying down in his original position.

"Yeah cause I would just leave you at the door."

"Hmmm i don't worry about that now."

"I know your too much of a teddy bear to do that." He scoffed.

"Nope your the only exception."


"Yep" we spent a few moments in comfortable silence just enjoying each other presence. I was almost cursing the sun that began to rise not wanting to get up. Kakashi starting to flip around almost if he was trying to get comfortable before he murmured under his breath.i could see that familiar blush crossing over his face giving his skin a new shade.

"I love you." I hooked my airs around his waist pulling him up as we shared another peck to our lips.

"I love you too" a new thing I learned about Kakashi he truly was the cutest thing I've ever scene.
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