Chapter 32

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May 10, 1982

"so we have to chose between these two" michael said handing me two pieces of papers "i like this one better because its much more quieter and its not in the city so we dont have people hounding us or watching us" i said pointing to one of the papers "yeah i like that too and its much more open but its not too big" he said "yeah and the other one is near the city and near your studio and the pool for me but i dont think the area is safe i mean i wouldnt want our kids living there" i said walking into the bathroom "me either and its way too small" he said and i got out the bathroom already in my PJ's "so i think we picked our place" i said "yeah near the beach it is i cant wait till its just me and you alone with some privacy" he said hugging my waist "i know me either as much as i love elizabeth and harry and Darcy i need sleep and peace" i said playing with his hair "you look very sexy with your PJ's" "ummm ok theyre just normal PJ's you weirdo" i said "i know but your just so cute you know ive never really noticed how small your hands are" he said grabbing my hand "i know! i have baby hands and i dont know why my mom has long fingers" i said getting under the covers "and i have never noticed how big no huge your hands are!" i said "i know and i dont really like them im very self-conscious bout them" he said hiding them "why?! theyre so cute and cuddly!" i said grabbing his hand and kissing it "i hope out kids dont have your big hands" i said jokingly and he gave a 'not funny' "me either" he said "babe i was kidding" "i know but i dont know i just dont like them a lot" he said "its ok im self-conscious about myself too but this is how God made me i cant help it or change it" i said "i know and you shouldnt be self-conscious your a beautiful person inside and out" "awwww thank you thats why i love you" i said and i gave him a kiss "love you too and you have the squishiest boobs ive ever touched" he said laying his head on my boobs. "thats nice to know but arent they nice to sleep on?" i said playing with his hair "mhm very i love you" he said sleepily "i love you too" i said and we were out!

"what?! why?!" elizabeth asked surprised "because we would like to have more space and you guys have a baby now you guys need the space" i said "we dont really care what am i gonna do here by myself harry is gone for half of the time" she said "i know but you guys need some privacy and i think we do too" "this isnt fair i thought you would want to be with me since we dont really see each other your always so busy and now that your married your always with michael and i never get to see you" she said sounding mad and hurt " im not always with him but hes my husband remember when tou started to date harry i didnt see you at all there was a point in time where i didnt see or hear from you for a month but i always text you you never did that" "yeah but your worst eveything he does you do everywhere he goes you go" "no i dont! we have different studios and different activities why are you getting mad?" i asked getting frustrated "because you care more about your husband and pleasing him than me who youve known for more than youve known him you know what eva go ahead and move im not gonna sit here and argue with you about it its whatever" she said getting up and leaving the apartment i decided to just let her be. "shes mad isnt she?" michael asked sitting next to me "yeah" i said and getting up and left to my room an i cried a little i hate fighting with her.

"babe im gonna go to my moms house for a little while i need her right now" i said ti michael "want me to come with you?" he asked "no i need for it to be just me and her right now but thank you" i said giving him a hug "ok love you" "love you too" i said and i left.

I got to my moms house and went in the house "mama, mama!" i said amd she came out of the family room "aqui estoy (im right here)" "oh hi how are you?" i asked giving her a hug "you look cute today" she said "thank you i decided to dress nicely today since i rarely do" i said sitting down on the couch "ok so what brings you here today?" she said sitting beside me "well me and michael decided we wanted to get our own place since elizabeth has a baby we thought he might need and want more space an so me and michael went to look for places and we found one and so i told elizabeth we would be moving to the new place really quick and se got mad and she said that i spend too much with michael and i let him control everything bout me and she got mad and ygh i just hate fighting with her" i said "sounds like shes more hurt than mad its not easy to go from being so close to being adults you guys were kids but now you married and shes married with a baby im sure its not easy for her or you to grow up so fast but you have to understand that and so does she its good your moving out they need space and privacy just give her some time shell come round" she said "can i play with your hair like i used to do when you were younger?" she asked "sure im gonna fall asleep so just let me sleep for an hour than wake me up" i said and i layed my head on her lap and she started to play with my hair.

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