Chapter 37

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August 11, 1983

We were at michaels parents house because they wanted to talk bout something. I arrived later because i had work to do since i was bout to start my tour and when i got there i greeted everyone and shortly therefter michael came out of a room shaking his head "no im sorry but im not doing it and you cant force me to" he said and he ran out the house "maybe you should gonhe is mad maybe you can calm him down" said katherine "ok ill try but what happened?" i asked "he is gonna tell you" she sad and i said bye to everyone and michael and i drove in silence. "whats wrong?" i asked "nothing lets just get home" he said grumply so i just get kept driving.

When we got home he went upstairs and i needed to go get my stuff for the pool and then the dance studio so i went upstairs and he was just sitting there starring at something "babe what happened? why are you so mad?" i asked and he just shook his head "you can tell me whats wrong?" i asked again "nothing! how many times do i have to tell you the same damn thing are you stupid or something? shut up and leave me alone" he said yelling and it shocked me so i left the house.

I finished my workout at the pool and i was still upset bout what michael told me so i went to the dance studio to meet with my choreographer amd work on my sance routines. We worked on 'crazy in love' which was not necessary since the video was already out but i wanted to practice anyways and we did my song 'right there' too. After we were done i wasnt in the mood to go back home so i decided to go to virginia. Yes Virginia! I always went there to think it was peaceful and quiet so i just left. I dont feel sorry for michael.

When i got to Virginia i went to the house my parents rent and i didnt bring clothes because i have some in the house when i got there it was already morning but i was tired so i decided to go to sleep. I woke up in the afternoon almost noon and i checked my phone i had a ton of messages and missed calls from michael asking where i was and im still hurt by his comment so im not gonna answer ill let him wonder and get scared for a little while it sounds mean but right now i dont care.

*1 week later*

"hello" i said groggily

"eva i really need to talk to you" i heard elizabeth say

"whats up?" i asked

"i think you should come home michael isnt doing so great he doesnt ear or sleep he is sick worried bout you he calls me every hour to see if i talked to you he is going insane you need to come back" she said sounding concerned and i was too

"yeah ok ill be there soon i have to pick up my things for my tour but please dont tell him im coming back ill be there tonight" i said

"ok great love you see ya later"

"love you too bye" i said and hung up and got ready to leave.

I got to california and went home and harry was there which shocked me. "what are you doing here?" i whispered "michael finally went to sleep and i came here to make sure he slept but when i got here he was already sleeping" he whispered back "ok you can leave now i got it from here" i said and we said goodbye and i went upstairs to check on him and he was asleep but he looked like he had been crying a lot from the bags under his eyes i can tell he hasnt slept in days. Im sorry baby. As i was closing the bedroom door it made a loud sound and it woke him up and whne he saw me he jumped up out of bed "eva! oh my! eva your back!" he said hugging me tight "hi im back" i said hugging him back "im so sorry i was an ass i shouldnt have said those things i felt so bad and i got scared you left me and didnt love me anymore since you werent talking to me" he said crying and i walked him to the bed "its ok! im sorry i didnt tell you where i was or didnt answer you" i said as i got him in bed "sleep and ill talk to you tomorrow" i said "nooo because you might leave me" he said still crying so i got in bed too next to him and i had his head on my chest and he wrapped his arms round my waist "im not going anywhere now go to sleep ill talk to you tomorrow" i said "i love you soooooo much im so sorry" he said "its ok i love you too" i said kissing the top of his head.

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