Chapter 20

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September 11, 1980

"so its official december 11, 1980" michael said

"yes its official december 11, 1980" i said

"wow! im so excited!" he said

"me too! we need to tell the family though" i said

"yeah your right so lets tell them today lets meet at my house and we will tell them today" he said

"ok but can we tell my parents first theyll be leaving tomorrow theyre going to florida on a business trip" i said

"ok well then lets go!" he said as i got up and we started to go to my car

"will you drive?" i said grabbing his hand

"yeah right! but sure ill drive" as he opened the door for me and we got in and started to drive to my parents house.

We decided to get married december 11, 1980. The idea came to us when we were talking bout dates and years we wanted to wait at least 1 or 2 years but ultimatley we decided to settle for this year because we really didnt want to wait anymore. Michaels lucky number is 7 and mine is 4 so we thought about it and we came up with 7+4=11 so december 11th. We were on our way to my parents house from my apartment to tell my parents what we decided and we were excited but nervous since everyone thinks we might be moving too fast. I went back to new york after my dads birthday but i came back because i wanted to record some songs.

We rang the doorbell and emma answered the door.

"hi big sis" he said giving me a hug

"hi how are you doing?" i asked stepping in

"good and hello michael how are you?" she said giving michael a hug

"good how are you?" he asked

"good mom and dad are in the library" she said

"ok great thank you" i said walking to the library with michael behind me

"hey honey what are you doing here?" my mom asked

"michael and i kinda have to tell you guys something" i said

"what is it? is everything ok?" my dad asked

"oh no yeah everythings fine but we have set a date for our wedding" i said smiling

"honey thats great! well whens the date?" my mom asked smiling

"december 11" i said

"of this year?" she asked

"yeah this year" i said and her smile was wiped off her face

"dont you think its kinda soon" my dad asked

"no why wait when we can do things now?" i asked

"well i just think that you guys have only been dating for a couole of months you just got engaged isnt it happening to soon?" said my dad

"i dont think it is if we love each other we should be able to just get married no matter if its too soon or whatever" i said annoyed

"i just think you guys should wait you havent even had an argument like you guys just havent even enjoyed being with each other you know just having fun and enjoying each other company" my mom said

"maybe you should wait you still have to wrap up your movie and do another album and swim you have a lot on your plate i dont think this is such a good idea im not saying dont get married but just wait a couple of years you barely even know him" my dad said

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