Chapter 5

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             My jaw almost dropped to the floor. She can’t do that! Can she?

            “I can’t just let a random girl off the street audition. This isn’t an open call young lady and we’re not looking for amateurs!” The lady at the desk proclaimed. I nodded in agreement inside, but outside I plastered on a disappointed friend face.

            “Sorry Mads. I’ll be out in no time and then we’ll go get some frozen yogurt!” I said sympathetically, then walked towards the large doors that would lead me to the theatre.

            But, before I could slip through Maddie shouted out, “Wait! I can show you my resume! I have it right here on my phone and I have someone who can verify that for you on speed dial!” She then proceeded to shove her iPhone in the women’s face.

            What did she think she was doing? This was typical Maddie behavior! Moral support my butt! Deep down I knew why she really came to visit, even if I didn’t want to believe it at first.

            “Are you really staring in a movie soon? Miss Teen Dancer of America 2017 that’s quite impressive Miss – umm - Ziegler. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I gave you one of the extra numbers, I mean with your credentials!” The women, that I previously thought was an ally of mine, politely handed Maddie a number from the pile. Maddie smiled and giddily hopped over to me, who was still holding on to the door handle, holding up a big group of girls.

            “Isn’t this awesome Kendall? Now we can audition together! I even know exactly what to sing! Do you have the sheet music to ‘Mamma Mia’ by any chance?” She asked me wile lifting her eyebrows jokingly. “Oh and do you have an extra leotard?”

            “As a matter of fact I do.” I replied, through my gritted teeth.

            “You ok Kendall? You don’t look so good. Don’t worry you’ll do amazing! I know you want to focus and stuff so just pretend I’m not here. I really just wanted to sit and watch the auditions though. See what I do for you Kendall K!” She announced dramatically. That put a smile on my face.

            This wasn’t like old times, where Maddie was the favorite and got all the solos, when I got nothing. This is new times, where we’re equals and I don’t have to worry about her taking anything from me.

            “I’m fine, just a little nervous that’s all.” I explained while jumping up and down to get all of my “so-called nerves” out.

            For the audition, as I explained to Maddie the night before, we had to prepare 16 bars of a song from any Broadway musical. Most people would pick something from Wicked, one of the most popular musicals right now. All of the songs are so powerful so I don’t blame them for picking one to sing. I probably would’ve to if they weren’t so overused. During this audition I heard “Popular” 5 times, “For Good” 7 times, and “Defying Gravity” over 15 times. So, staying as far away from that musical as possible, I decided on “Buenos Aires”, from Evita, one of my favorite musicals and the first I saw when I moved in with Chloe. I thought for the first audition I’d do a crowd pleaser then, if I got a callback, I’d sing an amazing ballad that would make everyone in the room shed at least one tear.

            “Kendall Vertes.” A man’s voice called out to the crowd of girls. I go numb, so the only feeling in my body is the tight squeeze given to me by Maddie.

            I stood up, smiling, and quickly trotted over to the pianist and hand him my sheet music. A flash of relief flashes across his face, probably because he’s been playing the exact same songs over and over again. He gave me a wink, as if he was telling me I’d made a good decision. Taking center stage, I’m blinded by the spotlight. But then again, I’d rather not see the hundreds of people watching me right now.     

            “Whenever your ready.” Now, a woman’s voice called out from the light.

            “Hi, I’m Kendall Vertes and I’ll be singing ‘Buenos Aires’, from one of my favorite musicals, Evita.” I stated proudly. The sounds of approvement entered my ears and gave me the confidence to begin. I gave a slight nod at the pianist, who began to play the energy filled notes. Then, I opened my mouth and started to sing a song that has been permanently etched into my brain.

            “What’s new, Buenos Aires?” I sang perfectly on tune. “I’m new, I wanna say I’m just a little stuck on you, you’ll be on me too.” While giving a slight smile I started bouncing around the stage, like a ball of energy.

            After, what seemed like seconds, I finally blurted out the final lyrics, “Because you oughta’ know whatcha gonna get in me, just a little touch of star quality!” I threw my hands up in triumph then took a deep bow.

Claps from the audience sounded followed by the man saying, “Thank you Miss Vertes, for that performance and for giving us something different to listen to.”

After slightly giggling at his last comment I commented, “Thank you!” then walked across the stage to get my sheet music.

The piano man already had my music packed up; ready to hand it to me.

“You’re a firecracker aren’t you? Very well done. I hope I see you at callbacks.” He told me, in a near whisper, while handing me my folder.

As I galloped back to my seat a lot of the girls were glaring at me and others were mumbling about why they didn’t think of doing Evita for their auditions. When I reached Maddie she gave me a silent scream and a ginormous hug.

“You were incredible out there! They loved you!” She said.

“Thanks! I bet you’ll do even better.” I proclaimed, knowing I was probably right. Maddie’s always been perfect in everything she’s done.

“Well I’ll definitely have a tough time topping that! Oh wait, can I borrow your sheet music. I think I’m up soon and I want to share ABBA with the world!” I smiled and handed her my folder, which I decorated with stickers of treble clefs and different types of musical notes.

“Maddie Ziegler.” The man’s voice called out.

“Speak of the devil! Wish me luck!” She exclaimed while skipping towards my new friend at the piano.

After handing him her music she continued to skip to the middle of the stage with a gigantic smile on her face.

“Hello! I’m Maddie Ziegler and I’ll be singing Mama Mia for you today!” She enthusiastically pronounced to the audience. Without a moment of hesitation she signaled the pianist with a flick of her hand and immediately began to prance around the stage. She looked so comfortable on the stage, like we were at her house, in Pittsburg, dancing around in our PJ’s during one of her amazing slumber parties.

“Mama Mia, now I really know. My, my I should not have let you go.” Sang Maddie, except instead of a low note short note she ended the song with a high one, that she held until the music stopped playing. She then curtsied, like she was already in the curtain call for the show.

“Very nice Maddie, and may I say you have an excellent resume?” Said the female casting director.

Maddie flashed them her ever-so-famous pearly whites, then replied, “Thank you so much! It’s an honor to sing in front of such inspiring people.” Maddie always knew how to work a judge. Always tugging at their heartstrings or lifting up their egos, judges loved Maddie. She always knew exactly what to say to lure them into the palm of her hand. 

Exiting the stage, she ran straight to me. While leaving the theatre she announced to me, “I think we’ll be expecting a call any day now!”

I smiled and giggled as we walked to the nearest Pinkberry, but on the inside I was thinking “For who?”

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