Chapter 14

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“Fix that foot on the jeté, Kendall!” Miss Fountaine shouted at me from across the studio.

Yesterday afternoon I received a call from the people who were at callbacks. They wanted me for the final round. This didn’t take me as that much of a shock. I knew I sang amazing, although I didn’t want to sound to cocky. I still had a lot of work ahead of me if I were to get the part.

A secret source had already informed me that evening that Maddie also got called, and by secret source I mean Chloe. Maddie had to go back to filming the next day so she flew out of New York the following morning, which was the morning I managed to score a private with Miss. Fountaine. Apparently, she would be returning to New York for the callbacks in a few days.  

I asked Miss Fountaine if I could come in early so she could help me with my technique, so I would be fully prepared for the dance portion of the callback. Even though Maddie had topnotch choreographers and dance teachers at her fingertips in LA, I had Miss Fountaine, and she was just as amazing. The callback had been all I focused on since I got the call, and will be all I focused on until the day of. Chloe wanted to go out the night before, to celebrate her return to the city, but I didn’t go so I could scour through my sheet music to think of the perfect song to sing. Speaking of singing, I also had a voice private with Mrs. Carmine at 5:00 PM sharp and an acting class, in downtown Manhattan, at 7:30 PM. I allowed myself no time to rest or let my mind wander. If I wanted to be the best I needed to stay 110% focused.

 When I got up in the morning, Chloe wasn’t even close to waking up yet, so I left her a note on her bedside table, telling her where I’d be.

“That’ll be all for today Kendall. I have a class that starts in a half-hour and I’m pretty sure you’ll want to get ready for your class as well.” Miss Fountaine announced, while moving the ballet barre back into the center of the room. I quickly rushed to assist her.

“Thank you so much for doing this Miss Fountaine. It’s been very helpful.” I told her, picking up one side of the ballet barre.

Miss Fountaine let out a series of grunts, when picking up her side of the barre, before she said, “Anything to help out a devoted student. Not many teenagers would choose to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to work on extending their legs.” I let out a small giggle before I grabbed my bag from the corner of the room, waved goodbye, and left for my next class.

Throughout the day, I worked harder then I ever had before, stretching myself past my physical and mental capacity. By the time my last class ended I was drenched in sweat and desperately longed for a shower. Before putting my jacket on I checked my phone, which lay under a pile of dance shoes and crumpled pieces of sheet music. I read the latest text from Chloe.

Chloe: Who wakes up at 4 in the morning to go dance when they’re going to dance for another 5 hours that day anyways?!

She obviously read my note. The text was from a few hours ago so there was no need to text her back and besides, Chloe was already at Joffrey by now. Chloe just didn’t understand how committed I was. I thought of all people she would understand, having to work extra hard to keep up with Maddie when we were younger.

When I got home, Chloe was still at Joffrey, so I had time to shower and get dressed, without having to explain myself to Chloe. I slid into a pair of light wash jeans and matched it with a plain teal long sleeve shirt. I wrapped a floral scarf around my neck and slipped on a pair of grey Toms. After French braiding my wet hair to the side, I ran out of my apartment with a navy bag, which held my sheet music, wallet and other random, yet necessary items.

There was a half-hour before my voice private with Mrs. Carmine, so I headed into a Starbucks, not to far from the school, and ordered a latte to go. I figured I could walk the last few blocks, while finishing up my beverage. Before I could leave the crowded coffeehouse I bumped into someone who I was really trying to ignore.

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