Chapter 11

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            I had to drag myself up to the stage, but Maddie strolled up there without a care in the world, until she turned around. After her back was facing the casting people she stared right through me.

“Let’s go practice over here.” Maddie told me with a small wave of the hand. I reluctantly followed her, not looking forward to what I was getting myself into. “I’m surprised you showed up.” Maddie said, matter-of-factly.

“Why’s that?” I asked her skeptically.

“I just thought you would’ve realized by now that I’m going to wipe the floor with you. I guess I was wrong thinking that you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself.” I couldn’t believe Maddie was saying these things to me. It was like she turned into a total mean girl overnight. It reminded me of a few years ago, when we were in high school. Chloe and Maddie got into a huge fight because Chloe said something to Maddie about how Abby makes sure she wins. Chloe went to the studio early to pick up a costume and she caught Maddie in an extra private lesson with Gianna. One teensy comment made by Chloe put Maddie in freak out mode. It was World War 3 in Pittsburg. Everyone choose sides, Paige, Nia, and I were on “Team Chloe”, but Brooke and Mackenzie were part of “Team Maddie”. Nasty insults and name calling lasted for around a month or two, until they finally made up during a dance competition. How they made up no one was really sure of. We were just happy that they did. Now it was World War 4 in NYC, but there wasn’t anyone on my team and therefor no one to give me support when mean comments were thrown at me.

“How are you so sure you’re going to beat me? I’m the better singer, even Miss Abby told me that.”  Maddie shot up straight. That seemed to destroy whatever cool attitude she was pretending to have.

“She never said that, you liar!”

“Call her up and ask her! I know she’s still #3 on your speed dial because you couldn’t find any friends to replace her with.” I gave myself a pat on the back following that comeback, but I felt kind of bad directly afterwards. She was one of my best friends after all.

“It doesn’t matter! This song is meant to test our acting skills and we both know where we stand in the emotion category. Face it Kendall K. Those acting classes with Miss Abby didn’t really get you anywhere, now did they?”

“I think I’m just going to practice my part alone if you don’t mind.” I told her icily. She stared me down until I realized that she wasn’t going to move so I left. I didn’t have time for a full-fledged staring contest at the moment.

After a good half-hour had passed we were all called together to preform. The duos went on stage one by one until the song was permanently etched into my brain and was utterly exhausted.

“Last, but not least, Kendall Vertes and Maddie Zeigler.”  called out Greg. Maddie and me stood up in unison and scuttled onto the stage. The piano sounded and Maddie began to sing the first note.

“Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better then you.” Maddie sang to me, mockingly.

“No you can’t.” I said, but instead of confidently I sang it uneasily. Maddie heard the tone of my voice and continued to mock.

“Yes I can!”

“No you can’t!”

“Yes I can!”

“No you can’t!”

“Yes I can! Yeas I can!” Maddie belted out. I finally realized how I’ve been allowing Maddie to walk all over me. This isn’t Maddie’s stage, this was mine and I was ready to set Maddie in her place.

“Anything you can be I can be greater! Sooner or later I’m greater than you!” I sang in retaliation, with a newfound energy.

The song continued in that pace until we were both out of breath by trying to out sing each other. I was fortunate enough to hold my last note for the longest amount of time, beating Maddie by only a few seconds. I headed back to my seat feeling confident in my performance and feeling pleased with the way Maddie was starting to squirm. She knew that I out sung her and my facial expressions were just as impressive as hers.

“Thank you everyone for coming and for a lucky few we’ll be in touch.” A crowd of thanks echoed through the room as all of the girls filed out.

“Well, Kendall I would tell you well done but I’m saving my voice for my date tonight with James. Do tell Chloe that I said ‘hi’ when she arrives tonight.” Maddie exclaimed, before waltzing out the door. She always knew exactly what buttons to press to make someone’s blood boil. Before I had the chance to run after her my phone started to ring. It was Chloe.

“Hey Chlo, are you at the airport yet?”

“Ya I just got here a few minutes ago. We just got out of security check. How was the audition?”

“I’m pretty sure I nailed it, but I don’t want to get my hopes up. You’ll never guess who my partner was for the duet we had to sing.”

“Since I don’t know anyone who auditioned, besides you and Maddie, I’m going to go with-“ Chloe paused for dramatic effect. “Maddie!”

“Ding! Ding! Ding! And we have a winner!” I sounded.

“So you guys still haven’t made up then?” She asked me, obviously disappointed. “You know she’s not going to apologize, she’s way to stubborn. You have to go to her. I know she said some stuff but you kind of did to.”

“ I would’ve forgiven her by now if it hadn’t been for James.” I replied, trailing off at the end.

“You mean cute James that has a crush on you?”

“No, I’m talking about cute James that has a crush on Maddie and whose taking Maddie out tonight.”

“Did Maddie really say yes to that? That doesn’t sound like Maddie. She wouldn’t steal a boy from a friend.”

“Well, maybe I never got around to telling her, but she should’ve realized it when we went out for coffee the other night.” I complained to Chloe.

“Don’t worry! When I get back the first thing we’ll do is stock up on ice cream and watch every Nicholas Sparks book made into a movie, starting with The Notebook.” A small giggle escaped from my lips. “Just don’t do anything until I get back. Just keep yourself on lockdown for a few hours, ok?”

“Will do.” I told Chloe, but just then I had the craziest most ridiculous idea ever. I whipped out my phone and started to text James.

Me: Are you excited for your date tonight???

James: I guess… You’re ok with it, right?

Me: Totally! Where are you taking her again?

James: We’re going to that Italian restaurant a block away from the coffee house

Me: Sounds awesome! Have fun!

I quickly changed out of my dance clothes when I reached the apartment and into a pair of jeans, a grey T-shirt, my red ballet flats, and a red button up jacket. I had a sudden craving for some pasta primavera and garlic bread.   

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