Chapter 15

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A/N: Just clarifying… this is Chloe’s point of view in case there was any confusion (I tried to make it clear in the last chapter)

Flashback –

It was in my sophomore year of high school, so I was 16. I remember because I had that awful Drivers Ed. teacher, Ms. Potts. Maddie and Kendall were both 15 so we were all competing against each other. Dance Moms ended when Brooke graduated, but we still went to frequent competitions, as members of the elite team. I was in the midst of a full-fledged war with Maddie. How it started, is kind of hazy to me. I think it was over the fact that I saw Maddie getting an extra private with Gianna, when I came in early to pick up my costume for stoning. I remember hearing her music and storming into the studio, just as she was preforming her last set of turns, before she fell to the ground and put her hand over her heart.

“Maddie! Are you serious right now?” I asked her, quite annoyed. Gianna made the smart decision to take 5 and bolted out the door.

“Chloe! What are you doing here? The studio’s not even open yet! Do you have an early private to?”

“No Maddie! Everyone in the company has already established that Mackenzie and you are the only ones that get extra privates! I thought we made a pact that after Dance Moms we would forget the competing against each other. ”

“We did! I honestly thought you were getting another private to!”

“Did your mom tell you that? My mom always told me that Melissa was threatened of me, but I didn’t think you’d go along with her scheme to beat me.” Maddie looked completely shocked and hurt.

“I didn’t and don’t you dare talk about my mom like that! She is so nice to you, even when your mom’s gone psycho, which is basically everyday!”

“Oh, please! Don’t turn this around on me Maddie! I’m so done with any friendship we had, if we even had one to start with!” Maddie started to cry, but I didn’t care. I was just to frustrated. I met Gianna at the door. She is a total tattletale and loves to gossip about us to Abby, but she hates confrontation.

“I won’t tell my mom about the private if you don’t tell Abby what just happened.”

“I was in the bathroom.” Gianna said, confirming her lie. We both nodded our heads and I left in a rage.

Maddie and I were in a fight ever since. Soon enough, word got around about our fight. When two people were best friends one day and enemies the next people start to wonder. I was surprised how quickly people choose sides. Kendall and Paige were completely on my side, listening to my endless complaints about Maddie, while occasionally giving me words of support. Nia told Kendall that she was on my side, but Brooke told Paige that Nia told Maddie that she supported her. It was a very confusing month.

We hadn’t spoken since our argument at the studio on the day of the Starpower competition in New York. I woke up super early in the morning and basically just threw on black yoga pants and my black and red Abby Lee Dance Company sweatshirt, over my tank top.

“Chloe get down here! We’re already running behind and you know how Abby hates it when we’re late!” my mom, Christi, shouted at me from downstairs. I dragged my gigantic pink rolling suitcase, which held all of my competition supplies, down the stairs and out the front door.

“Are you excited for the competition Chlo?” my mom asked me while turning into Abby’s studio’s parking lot.

“Of course! I’m always excited for competitions and I’m totally going to kick Maddie’s butt today!”

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