Chapter 9

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A day had past since I last spoke to Maddie. After she slammed the door in my face, a waterfall of tears started to fall. She just didn’t understand. It wasn’t necessarily her fault, I guess. She never had to understand. After taking off my makeup, since I now had raccoon eyes from crying so hard, I called the only person who would understand.

“Chloe, Maddie and I got in a fight and I don’t know what to do and I really need a friend right now!” I choked out, the tears starting to fall again.

“Calm down Kendall. I just talked to Maddie I know what happened.” She told me, in a calming voice. My heart skipped a beat. What if Maddie told her a completely different story, making me look like the bad guy?

“What did she tell you exactly?” I asked her skeptically.

“She told me her side of the story.” I gave a deep sigh, but then she continued.

“Then I translated it into what actually happened. I know you’re not jealous of Maddie. She wouldn’t have even said that if it hadn’t been planted in her head since birth. I think you both just need some cool down time.” She told me matter-of-factly. I gave another sigh, but this one was a sigh of relief.

“How are we supposed to have some cool down time if we’re living in the same place?” I asked her, begging for an answer.

“I’m getting there. She staying at a hotel near Time Square until callbacks.” She said, trailing off towards the end, not wanting to upset me more. She quickly added, “By the way, congrats Kendall K! I knew you could do it!”

“Thanks.” I mumbled. Chloe quickly changed the subject to our plans when she would get back tomorrow night. Her plan wouldn’t land until 11:30 PM, so it was more like morning plans.

“We could go out to lunch, in between classes, and afterwards shop on Madison Avenue!” Chloe gushed, obviously excited about her return. Our conversation ended an hour later, after we figured out our itinerary for the day.

“Good luck at the audition tomorrow!” Chloe exclaimed before we said our goodbyes and hung up our phones.

I put all of yesterday’s drama behind me as I preformed a series of perfect coupe turns, followed by a multitude of claps from Miss Fountaine.

“Wonderful as always, Kendall. Everyone take a 5 minute water break!” Miss Fountaine shouted, as all of the students silently cheered. It had been a grueling class that began with a 30 minute conditioning workout.

After I galloped to the corner to grab my refreshing, Poland Springs water bottle I headed out the door, to the bathroom. While, chugging my water like a mad man I bumped into a familiar face. 

“Hey Vertes!” James exclaimed with his perfect smile. I almost choked on my water, surprised to see him, but caught myself before I spurted out water all over him.

“Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Ya! Not since we had coffee with you friend, Maddie. She seems really nice.” I almost told him to focus on the word “seems” but then started to wonder how he learned Maddie’s name so fast. He’s met Chloe loads of times but he can never seem to remember her name. I shook the thought out of my head, remembering what Paige had said.

I put on my best flirty-girl smile and said, “Hey, we should catch up over coffee tomorrow. I have my audition in the afternoon, but maybe a little later, say 5ish or 6ish?” I played it cool, but inside my stomach was full of butterflies. His smile suddenly faded and my fake confidence followed.

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