Chapter 12

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For every step I took I could hear Chloe screaming, “NO!”  and giving me a face of disapproval. I knew I shouldn’t be going. Maddie was just doing it to spite me so it’s not like anything would happen. But, what if it did? I didn’t want to make the choice on whether to R.S.V.P. to their wedding or not. I was just being stupid because there wasn’t going to be a wedding because they’re just going out to dinner. But, what if there was a wedding and this was my only chance to stop it. I should go just for precaution.

“NO!” Chloe screamed in my head. Chloe never has to know, does she? By the time I’d leave she’d still be on a plane to New York. Maddie couldn’t tell her because Maddie wouldn’t know I was there and neither would James.

It was a ridiculous plan that I’d concocted but it was surprisingly simple. I just had to sit a booth or two away from them so that I could here what they were saying. This way I’d know exactly what I was up against, so I could figure out my next move. Now, it really did sound like I was in the middle of a war. I was a spy, crossing enemy lines to hopefully save one of my soldiers, who was captured by Maddie.

I stealthy strolled into the restaurant and asked for a table for one. While she was getting out the menu, I scanned the room to try to find them. I was a simple restaurant, nothing flashy, with red walls and dark hard wood floors. The booths matched the floors and so did the tables. There were minimal decorations, except for a few potted plants scattered around and mural of Italy on the right hand wall. Finally, I saw a brunette, high ponytail swinging from a booth toward the left side of the room. I leaned forward so I could get a better look and sure enough there was Maddie laughing at something. The hostess began to lead me to a table that was against the right wall, but I stopped her in her tracks.   

“Excuse me, but I would prefer a booth, maybe towards the left side of the restaurant.” The girl looked at me oddly, she wasn’t that much older then I was, probably still in college. After giving a confused headshake she sighed and showed me a booth, which was coincidently the one right next to Maddie and James.

“Is this one more to your liking?” She asked me sarcastically, obviously annoyed by my previous demand. I gave a slight nod and sat down. My booth and Maddie’s booth were next to each other, but a cream colored divider separated the top portion. This way, Maddie and James couldn’t see me, but I could hear them.

“Would you like anything to drink?” The waiter asked me. I quietly ordered water, not wanting my neighbors to hear my voice. I leaned my head against the divider so that I could hear their conversation better.

 “How was the audition today?” I heard James ask Maddie.

“It went really well. We had to sing that old song ‘Anything You Can Do’ in duos so it tested our acting skills to.”

“Who did you get partnered up with?”

 “Actually, it was Kendall.” Maddie said.

“Oh, how did she do?” James asked excitedly. So he bothered to ask Maddie and not me.

“She was ok, I guess. The thing about Kendall is that she’s not a strong actress. She can’t express emotions to the best of her ability.” Maddie said matter-of-factly. I started to grind my teeth together in frustration. I wanted to rip that divider straight out and give her a piece of my mind. However, when the waiter arrived with my water it gave me a chance to calm down.

“Have you decided what you want to order yet?” The waiter asked me, while fiddling with his pencil.

“Oh. Yes I think I have.” I told him, while quickly opening up the menu and scanning the options. I gave up and just ordered something I knew they’d have.

“I’ll have a plate of pasta, with sauce, and a side of garlic bead.” I told him, handing him my menu as I did. After he was gone, I pressed my ear against the divider once again.

“How long have you been dancing?” James asked. I was disappointed that I didn’t hear his retort to Maddie’s Kendall bashing comment.

“Ever since I can remember. My mom told me that I could dance before I could walk.” I gave a slight eye roll following her response. As the night drew on the conversation was going nowhere. By the time my food arrived I was quite satisfied. Nothing was going on. It seemed pretty boring and uneventful. I could imagine Maddie trying to tell me how spectacular and romantic it was next time I saw her. She’d lie and say they had a real “connection” or something like that. But, I’d know the truth and I could have the last laugh.

“You know, you’re really interesting. When I met you at the coffee house you just seemed different then all the other girls I’ve met.” James said, making me turn green with envy as I munched of a stick of garlic bread. I guess the date wasn’t a total bust.

“Different as in good, right?” Maddie asked with a nervous giggle.

“Of course.” I saw James raising his hand, probably signaling the waiter. “Check please.”

I already paid in advance, so that I could make a speedy getaway before they could see me. The waiter was a little too quick though, and brought the check fast. James must of paid in cash, which I wasn’t expecting, so they stood up at the same time I did. I quickly ducked back down, thinking of a quick escape route. Once they turned the corner they would see me immediately. So, I began to crawl towards the door. I could hear the customers murmuring about me, the girl who was crawling on the floor, but I ignored them. I needed to make it to the door and fast. When I was about halfway there a waiter tripped over me while carrying a tray of dirty dishes. The plates flew into the air and crashed on the ground. If I hadn’t gotten everyone’s attention in the room when I was crawling I sure did now. I quickly stood up and apologized to the waiter, but before I could run out a familiar voice sounded.

“Kendall! What are you doing here?” James asked me with a puzzled expression. Maddie stared at me with wide eyes, but quickly switched to a smug expression. I started to nervously giggle and tried to make a sound, but nothing came out. 

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