Chapter 16

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“I don’t see how that story applied to me in the least Chloe! You both got happy endings! At the end of the day, one of us is going to get the spot and the other isn’t. The loser isn’t getting a trip to Hawaii afterwards. No, they’re going home in failure with nothing. Do you get why I need to win? I can’t go home with nothing again, not this time.”

“During that month of feuding all I did was strategize and practice so that I could beat her and get that 3 minutes of fame and a picture on top of our dance teacher’s mirror. Did you know that Josh Hyland asked me out that month, but I told him no?”

“I thought you really like him Chlo.”

“I did! I told him I had to focus on my dance career, but what I was really focusing on was beating Maddie. He never asked me out again, and two months later Maddie and him started dating until he left for college a few years later.”

“Chlo, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s my own fault. I just don’t want you to be in the same situation as I was. James might not have liked Maddie as much as he thought, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have “a Maddie” to deal with if you don’t talk to him.”

“Thanks Chloe. You’re the best, you know that right?”

“I had a hunch.” she replied with a smile. We hugged it out, but before I could retreat back into my bedroom Chloe said one more thing. 

“Oh, and you and Maddie need to talk it out. I need to see Book of Mormon and it won’t be the same without the two of you.”

The following morning I was stressing out. Chloe, being the sweetest person I’ve ever met, woke up early to get me some pastries from my favorite bakery. She left a note on the bag telling me, “Good Luck!” Chloe left for Joffrey about an hour before I woke up. My morning teachers allowed me to skip my classes so that I could go to the callbacks. I received a couple text messages that morning all from my dance friends.

Paige: Gook Luck Today Kendall K! You’ll be amazing!

Mackenzie: Good Luck Kendall! Everyone at the studio’s rooting for you and Maddie!

Brooke: Coming to the city soon! You’ll need to tell me all about your Broadway callback today!

Nia: Congrats on callbacks Kendall! You’ll do great today!

Their moms also sent me quick good lucks via text. It seems like everyone was rooting for me. The only text I didn’t see was a text from Maddie. “Be the bigger person.” I reminded myself. I typed in a quick message and sent it before I had the chance to take it back.

Me: Good Luck Mads         

I never got a text back.

I changed from my monkey pajama bottoms and blue tank top into another one of my leotards. It was black, like all the others, except the straps on this one met up at the back of my neck and were braided down the leotards open back. It was one of my favorites. Underneath, I wore pink ballerina tights. I slipped on my fuchsia flats while piling my jazz, ballet and ballroom shoes, as well as my toe pads, into my dance bag. With my dance bag in one hand and a fruit tart in the other I left my apartment, ready to shine.

After I finished the tart I began to lick the powdered sugar off of my left hand. When I reached my ring finger my phone rang.

“Hello?” I said to the person on the other line.

“Good Luck Kendall!” A group of people shouted from my speaker.

“Hey Kendall, it’s Mom! I’m out for brunch with the other moms and we just wanted to wish you, well, good luck!”

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