Chapter 10

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“Focus Kendall, you got this. You’re an amazing singer, they told you that last time. You will do amazing.” I told myself while pulling my hair back.

The callback was only an hour or two away and I was getting nervous. This was an amazing opportunity and I just didn’t want to screw it up. I need my head in the game, which means not focusing on James and, especially not, Maddie. I hadn’t spoken to her since I visited her hotel room and I wasn’t looking forward to seeing her at the callback. I just couldn’t wait for Chloe to be back. She was coming the next day and she’d know exactly how to resolve my little dispute.

I slipped on a black leotard that was made up of lace near my collarbone. Even though I wasn’t supposed to dance I didn’t know what the casting people would want me to do. If they asked me to do a surprise set of turns I was set.

Maddie on the other hand, I wasn’t set with that. Maddie was auditioning for fun last time, not even trying. If she was good enough then, I couldn’t even imagine how amazing she’d be this time. Maddie can get super competitive at times, especially when she feels threatened.

When I grabbed a water bottle and walked out of my apartment I felt a vibrating in my PINK tote, where all of my “supplies” were stored, like sheet music and ballet shoes, regular and pointe. When I saw the caller ID I hesitated before I answered it.

“Hey Paige.” I said into the phone dryly. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to my blabbermouth best friend.

“Hey Kendall! Maddie told me yesterday morning and I was going to call you but I had a reading for a television show that lasted all day. I’m sorry I spilled! I thought if I just told her to back off she would, but I think she took it the wrong way. That’s the problem with texting! Things get misinterpreted because you can’t hear  how the person meant to say it, you know?” She asked me, obviously nervous of my reaction following her apology.

“Ya well, it’s not just texting. Sometimes people misinterpret things even when you’re saying them to their face.”

“Ok, spill!” Paige commanded me. When she heard silence over the phone and sensed my hesitation she added, “I promise that I won’t blab!”

“Fine.” I sighed. “When I tried to explain to Maddie what you said, when you texted her, she mistook it for me telling her that I didn’t want to compete against her because I thought that I would loose.”

“Oh, that’s why she kept telling me, ‘She’s just so jealous of me!’” Paige exclaimed using her best Maddie accent during her quote. It didn’t sound anything like Maddie’s voice, but it was condescending and that’s definitely what Maddie would’ve sounded like.  I gave out a giggle and a smile, one of the first since the latest fight with Maddie. 

“Listen Paigey, all is forgiven, clean slate.” I told her, glad that at least one of my conflicts was resolved.

“Yay!” She said while the noise of her clapping her hands blared through my phone’s speakers.

“So, how are you and Mister Dreamy going? Has he asked you out?” She asked me. I reminded myself of the clean slate before telling her my latest disaster.

“Well Mister Dreamy asked Miss I’m-The-Best out tonight after the audition so I’m going to say not good.” I could hear a gasp on the other end of the line.

“Kendall, I’m sorry. I thought for sure that he was crazy about you!”

“It’s ok, I’m over it.” I lied.

“Remember, there are plenty of fish in the sea! So, we better go fishing!” She sang. I remembered Kelly telling that to Brooke and Paige after every one of their painful breakups. I always loved that saying. 

“I have to go Paigey-Mack, but thanks! Tell me if that TV opportunity works out! As for me, I’m off to my audition!”

“Good luck Kendall K! Remember, you’re a star!” I laughed at the fact that what she said pretty much summed up my entire pep talk I just gave myself. Before she could ask me what was funny I hung up and hailed a taxi to lead me to my destiny.

When I got out of the car, I noticed Maddie getting out of the cab behind me. When we made eye contact we both just stood there like two statues. I finally stopped the staring contest and, with my most confident attitude strutted into the theatre, like I already got the role. Through the reflection of the large glass door, I could see Maddie’s face. At first she seemed a little hurt, but, in no time, it morphed into a face of determination. She still stood there when I opened the door to enter, now looking like she was in the middle of a train of thought. I thought she was just giving herself a quick pep talk before she followed me into the theatre. The entrance was much less crowded than the first time. A table was set up in the same place as before and with the same lady.

“Name?” She asked me, while tugging on her long necklace of pearls.

“Maddie Zeigler.” I heard a girl call out behind me. I quickly spun around to see her walk up the woman, not even acknowledging me.

“And may I say that you are wearing a gorgeous set of pearls right now?” I scoffed to myself, but the check-in lady just blushed.

“You’re so sweet! You’re also all set.” Maddie flashed her a smile, then threw daggers at me, with her eyes, as she trotted towards the entrance of the theatre.

 “Kendall Vertes and that is a stunning… uhm pen.” I told her stupidly. She gave me a funny look and slightly nodded her head over towards the entrance. I mumbled some form of thank you and then headed inside. Like it was a natural instinct, I walked right over to where Maddie was sitting. She was on her iPhone, scrolling through Instagram photos. When I realized what I was doing I did a 180 and sat down in a chair a view aisles away before she looked up from her phone.

“Alright ladies!” A booming voice sounded from the stage. “Welcome to the first round of callbacks. You will all be paired up and will be assigned a duet to sing. You’ll have around an hour to practice with and without your partner. Take it away Greg.” A man stepped forward as the woman stepped back.

“Ok guys, today you’ll all be singing “Anything You Can Do” from the Broadway musical –“

“Annie Get Your Gun.” Maddie, Greg and I all say in unison, although I doubt Greg could hear us. I caught a quick smile escape from Maddie’s lips. Abby made sure that we knew every musical under the sun so when we were at a Broadway audition we would stand out with our variety and knowledge. But, what Maddie really smiled about was the memory of a trio we did our freshman year of high school, with Chloe. We all resembled Anne Oakley and we danced to an up-beat country tune all about girl-power. It’s kind of cheesy when I looked back on it, but we won first so I guess the judges liked it. Greg continued, “The pairs will be set up alphabetically and don’t worry we’ll make sure the altos and the sopranos have their correct parts. So lets see, Lauren Appleton and Carrie Boland come up and get your sheet music.” This continued until only four girls remained, two strangers, Maddie, and me. I realized that it was completely possible for Maddie and I to be paired up. I was an alto and she was a soprano. “Talia Vally and Kendall-“ I let out a sigh of relief, but it turned out to be shortsighted. “Oh, I mean Jessica Walsh, please get your sheet music and last but not least, Kendall Vertes and Maddie Ziegler.”

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