Chapter 13

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“What are you doing here?” James repeated, still in shock and disbelief.

            “I’m – Well I’m- I’m here to tell Maddie something! That’s right I have to tell Maddie something.”

            “And this couldn’t wait until later why?” asked Maddie.

            “I could’ve told you later! That’s a brilliant idea Maddie! Why didn’t I think of telling you later? Silly me.”

            “Well then?” Maddie said, with her arms crossed against her chest.

            “Well then, what?” I asked her, somewhat confused.

            “What did you need to tell me that was so important?” I was caught red handed.

            “I came to tell you that Chloe told me that she was excited that you’re in New York and she can’t wait to see you.” I blurted out. With the years I’ve spent concocting excuses to tell Miss Abby when I was late to rehearsals I thought I’d be a bit quicker on my toes, or at least a little more creative.

            “So you basically came here to tell me that Chloe said, ‘Hi’?” Maddie asked me, making me seem like an even bigger idiot.

            “You know, now that I think about it I probably should’ve texted you or something. I just think conversations are better face-to-face, wouldn’t you agree? But, you know that’s just me being Kendall, silly, silly, Kendall.” I trailed off towards the end and kept my eyes glued to the ground. There was no way I could make eye contact with Maddie, and especially not James. I swallowed the gigantic lump in my throat and continued spewing out nonsense. “Well, now that that’s all settled I should be getting back to my apartment. Chloe’s room isn’t going to tidy itself up, now is it?” I slowly backed up, bumping into another waiter who was helping the first one clean up the mess that I had just made. Once I reached the door, I slid through it and ran for five blocks, until I thought I was far enough from the restraint so that nobody would recognize me. I hailed a taxi and journeyed home.

            After changing into my pink and white polka-dotted pajama pants and one of my many ALDC shirts I compressed myself into a ball, on my couch, and watched the new episode of the Bachelorette. Just as the rose ceremony was about to start I heard a knock on the door. Chloe was still on a plane for around 3 more hours so I didn’t know who it could be. When I opened the door Maddie walked straight in, without even saying hello.

            “What the heck were you doing tonight? And don’t tell me that you were giving me a message from Chloe because that’s seriously the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard of. Were you spying on me? If you were that’s just downright sad Kendall.” Before I could open my mouth to let out any type of sound Maddie continued on her rant. “I knew you were always jealous of me Kendall, but you’ve crossed the border to Obsessed Land with the population of you!”

            “Will you please just get over yourself Maddie because that ‘everyone’s jealous of me’ excuse is really getting old.”

            “I don’t think that you recall what happened a few days ago. You started this, not me. I just came here to visit my friends and you turned my vacation into one big soap opera!”

            “Don’t you get it Maddie? It isn’t me who starts this stuff. It’s always you. It’s always been you. Almost every fight I’ve ever known always contained the same factor: you. It’s not because everyone’s jealous of you it’s because you’re an attention seeker and a drama queen!” Maddie seemed genuinely hurt by my previous comment, but it wasn’t my fault that the truth hurt.

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