Chapter 7

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             BUZZZZZZZ! It was 11 o’clock in the morning and I was still trying to get some sleep. I could hear Maddie in the other room watching a reality show on E! Network and talking to, I think Mackenzie, really loudly on her phone. For the past hour and a half I’d tried wrapping my pillow around my head to block out the noise, but when my phone started to ring I finally gave up.

“Hello.” I spoke into my phone in a sleepy and annoyed voice.

“Hey Kendall… I thought you’d be up by now isn’t it like 11 over in New York?” Paige asked. Oh god Paige! I completely forgot to call her the other day.

“Sorry Paige it was kind of a long night and I’ve been trying to get some sleep today.”

“No problem, but remember I woke up at 8 to talk to you today so this better be the best catching-up phone call ever!” She exclaimed sarcastically while giggling.

“Oh how was the audition for that cleaning supplies? I meant to call you but things have been a little crazy at Casa de Kendall lately.” I told her.

“I got it! We’re filming most of the day so that’s actually part of the reason why I called you now. I would tell you all about it but I’ll pause to ask; what’s this about your hectic life?” Just as I was about to answer her Maddie came into my room wearing black yoga pants, a pink running jacket and sneakers, with her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail and a wide pink headband pulling any loose strands back..

“Hey Kendall I’m going for a run around Central Park. It’s been on my bucket list for years! Do you wanna come?” she asked me, while already jogging in place.

“Sorry Mads I’m not really in the running mood today.” I replied casually. She shrugged then jogged out the door giving me a small wave before she closed the door.

“Now I get it! You’re talking about Maddie Hectic.” Paige finally said through the speakers of my phone.

“What was your first guess?” I asked her jokingly.

“Don’t worry she’ll be back in L.A. with me in no time. What’d she do anyways? Oh well, doesn’t matter. So about the Broadway audition…. Did you get a callback yet?”

“Ya I –“ I was cut off by Paige’s screaming.

“That’s amazing!”

“I know! I got it! And so did Maddie.” I said trailing off a bit.

“She auditioned?””

“Ya, it was totally out of the blue.”

“That’s it! I have two hours before I have to leave. Tell me everything!” That’s one of the reasons that Paige was awesome. She listened to everyone. She was never too busy to hear someone blubber on about something random that might not even mean much. She was always there for me, and pretty much for everyone else.

“Where do I begin?” I told her everything, the whole story from when we arrived at the audition to now.

“I want to be a supportive friend and everything, but this was something special and was a big deal for me. I think the fact that she just waltzed in there and told her name to the lady and was then instantly admitted is what bothered me the most. I worked so hard to get that audition. It was pretty private and not everyone was invited. I just thought that after leaving ALDC things would be different, you know. I thought that I could be Kendall- the star, and not Kendall- the girl who stood behind Maddie in group dances at dance competitions. I want to move past that, but every time I try to move forward something, or someone, tries to push me back.”

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