Chapter 1

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Running. When you've been running as long as I had, most people would've forgotten why they were running in the first place. Not me. It was hard to forget when you were running from them. Who are they? What are they? Your guess is as good as mine. I call them Screamers... Because they scream loudly and horribly when they, you know, feed on your soul and leave you lifeless to shrivel up. Just to keep them alive, not that they have anything to live for. Sounds pretty bad, right? Yeah, that's why I was running.

I wasn't quite sure where I was. I was still trying to figure it out. See, I tend to do this thing that not everyone does, and kids at school used to find annoying. I over think, all the time. So when I was running, I wasn't just running; I was analyzing. Trying to figure out exactly where I was. I was in some sort of cave, it was tall because I couldn't see the top. There was a small bit of light coming from far away, so I knew where to run to. Right as I finally got out of the seemingly endless cave, someone grabbed me by my wrist. The hand was rough, and large. I was guessing it belonged to a male.

"Let go!"

I yelled, not liking to not have control of any situation.

"Shut up, would ya?"

He hissed,

"Do you want them to find us?!"

He asked, pulling me further away and behind a solid, concrete wall. I looked him over, he had light brown, shaggy, hair that came a little over his eyebrows. His eyes were a hazel brown color, nothing that stood out. He was a couple inches taller than me, and well built. Not too muscular, but not thin either. We waited in silence as the Screamers passed. As soon as they were out of hearing range, I turned to him with a curious look on my face,

"What is your name?"

I asked with an annoyed calmness to my voice.


He replied with a straight face.

"Okay, Dylan,"

I continued,

"Why did you just do that?"

I said trying to not get angry. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, as if I was some silly little girl, incapable of understanding his obvious reasons for pulling me away.

"I was saving you."

He replied, putting emphasis on saving.

I immediately started thinking this more than a little sketchy situation over. Okay, so I was running, just out of this cave, when this guy, Dylan, pulled me behind this concrete wall. Because, according to him, he was saving me. I was lost in my thoughts, when he interrupted.

"Those things'll hurt you, you better stay away from them. Good thing I stepped in when I did."

He was making himself out to be a hero. I could've gotten away by myself anyways! And like I didn't know that the Screamers will hurt me, everyone who's still living had figured it out by then.

"I had everything under control."

I practically growled at him. He just chuckled again, shaking his head.

"Thanks for saving your life? Oh it was my pleasure, really!"

He said in a higher pitched voice. He was mocking me. I glared at him, and his smile faltered a little. He sighed,

"Do you have a name?"

He asked, still playing the 'I'm too cool for everyone' role. I'm never one to make quick assumptions, but I was pretty sure I didn't like this guy.

"Yes, I've got a name."

I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm,

"Don't most people?"

I asked rolling my eyes at his ignorance.

"Could you tell me your name?"

He replied calmly, keeping up his cool kid act.


I replied simply, not caring enough to look up to see his reaction.


Hey there! Thanks so much for reading this, it's my first story on Wattpad so I hope you liked it, and if you did, tell me in the comments below! I'm always open to ideas and feedback! Thanks again, I update quickly, so the next chapter will probably be up tomorrow night!!

- Marisa <3

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