Chapter 11

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I caught my breathe for a minute, thinking about my dream. I wasn't sure exactly what it meant, but I knew what I was going to do. Is it a bit ignorant? Yes. May the dream have been a coincidence? Yes. Is this probably stupid? Yes. Am I going to get the flip out of hear as fast as I can anyways? Oh heck to the yes.

I stumbled to my feet, still a bit drowsy and disoriented. Then, I fell. I took a deep breathe, stood again, balanced myself, then took a shaky step. Then another. Then more. Then I was running. Well, as much running as I could do. I wasn't used to this taller, heavier, awkward body, and I was still dizzy, so it ended up being more like fast stumbling. 'Have to get away. Have to escape. Take me home. Mom, where are you?'

I saw a cave and something struck me. I remembered this cave. I saw an image, my mom, my brother, my dad and I. Sitting in this cave. I was a little older than I could remember being, but young still. We were eating some sort of meat and laughing. Then a sort of most takes over the memory.

I took a liking to the cave and stepped inside. It felt safe, and I began getting hopeful as it occurred to me that my family could be there. You could hardly see anything, and I suddenly wished I had brought a light with me. I walked further into it and glanced around hopelessly, even though it was like trying to looking through a thick black wall.

I heard a scuffling sound and my heart sped up, from both fear and hope. I stepped towards the sound. "Mom?" I whispered softly. I heard it again, 'scuffle, scuffle scratch'. "Who is that?" I called, my voice quivering a bit this time.

I felt it before I saw it. It felt like death and pain. Then I saw it. Black. Blacked than the night itself. And hideous. Almost skeleton-like, but not. It seemingly floated towards me. It was so close to me. Too close. Dangerously close. I ran. I didn't even remember deciding to run, but I was running. That's when I heard it. A long, hideous scream. A screech, like nails on a chalkboard. I thought about that being the last sound I heard. The last thing that registered in my brain, when I heard something different. Breathing. Human, real breathing. Someone catching their breath, actually, and the thing heard it to. It leaped in that direction when I heard his voice. Yes, his, scream "GO!" But here's the funny thing, /I didn't/. I grabbed a pebble from the ground and threw it. It was a long shot. Something from the movies, but it distracted the thing. Not for long , it only turned for a second, but it was enough. I grabbed Dylan's hand and ran. I could hear it run after us, but we were ahead now. I had an instinct and sucked behind a wall, watching it run past us.

I looked at Dylan and remembered why I had ran. Then I remembered why I went in the cave in the first place, and collapsed on the ground.

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