Chapter 15

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She was so tired after we finished eating. I watched as she fell asleep on my shoulder, her eyelids flickering as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Eventually, sleep took over and her head slipped down to rest gently on my shoulder. The comfort of having her warmth there had me falling asleep shortly after.
Now, here I was, awake again. I'd been watching her sleep for five minutes or so. Which isn't long, but long enough for it to be weird. She snores a little sometimes. It was cute.
I felt her shifting around and I realised she was waking up. I panicked a little, not knowing what to do. So I didn't do anything. Smart boy, Dylan. She looked a little confused at first, then she sat up, mumbling several incoherent apologies.
I smiled and shook my head, stretching my arms out and yawning.

"It's nothing."

I shrugged, trying to comfort her,

"Especially after all I told you, that was a bit to take in."

She seemed to suddenly remember our conversation and she nodded slowly. It was hard for me to see her like this. So confused and ignorant. Even for the short time we'd known each other, I knew her to be witty and sarcastic. Now, she was just like a lost puppy.

It hurt even more, knowing more than she knew about her own life and family. I didn't want her to ever remember those tragedies again, but I knew, if she didn't remember soon, I would likely have to tell her myself. She wouldn't go without answers about her family for long, and I couldn't live with myself if I lied to her.


Hi. It isn't much. Might update it further later, but I feel like this book is so horrible it's not worth updating. Someone tell me otherwise, I want to know someone actually enjoys this so I can keep writing it.

The picture is by Rebecca Moss on Flickr. Go tell her how lovely it is! I don't know about you people but it's exactly how I imagine Dylan and Sky. Especially Rebecca, she looks a lot like my idea of Sky.

- Marisa <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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