Chapter 7

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We sat there in quiet for a time. It could've been minutes, or it could've been hours. Judging by the agonizing cries my stomach was making, I assumed the latter. I heard Dylan chuckle and I glanced up. His hair was brushed out of his face and his eyes were directed towards my stomach, the corner of his mouth tweaked up in amusement. Obviously, he had heard my stomachs very accurate dying whale impression.

"Come on then, let's find food."

He said, smiling and standing up, his hand against the wall for support. He extended his arm out to me, as if he intended to help me. But I just rolled my eyes and stood, without much difficulty. His smile never once faltered. I scoffed at his undying perkiness. He raised an eyebrow, and I simply replied.

"Are we going to get food or not? I'm hungry."

My stomach growled again, as if to prove my point. We both laughed at that before I remembered I was the grumpy one and sealed my lips shut. He started to walk through the trees, so I followed him, assuming he wanted me to.

Soon enough, we were both sitting by a small fire I had made, cooking a squirrel that Dylan had killed. Once it was done, he quickly blew out the flame and covered it with rocks. The Screamers can see the smoke, even though it's rare for them to follow it unless they're particularly hungry (or soul-deprived, I'm not really sure what term would be used). We both ate hungrily, tearing the cooked meat off of the animal. I know it sounds terrible and gross, and 5 years ago, I would've thought so too. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and it isn't that bad. The first time I had to eat a squirrel, I remember sending out a silent prayer for the vegetarians out there. Odd, thinking back, that I had thought of that, but really, no one considers that.

Then Dylan leaned over and wiped something off of my face. I immediately yanked my head back and glared at him. He simply shrugged, like it was no big deal. I was pretty sure he had no real reason to do that, because by now my face must have been one giant smudge. That reminded me of something,

"Dylan, I'm going to need to find somewhere to like bathe sooner or later. I know you can pee in the bushes, but you can't exactly bathe there.."

He looked up, his face was flushed slightly, and his eyes widened a little. He looked surprised that he hadn't thought of this sooner himself. He nodded quickly, before replying,

"Tomorrow. It's getting dark, let's make camp."

I nodded, and walked over to a large tree,

"Im sleeping up there, you find a tree too."

I pointed up at the tree, before proceeding to climb it. Don't get me wrong, Screamers can climb. But if it was at night, they probably wouldn't see us, and the trees would help cover our scent a little. Once I was comfortable I looked around to see what tree Dylan was in. I couldn't see him. That's when I heard a small cough from the ground, I looked down, and he was still standing there. Looking up at me nervously,

"Um..I can't really climb."

He mumbled, looking helpless on the ground. He corrected himself,

"Well..I mean..I've never tried."

I shook my head in disbelief. Before gesturing to a large tree close to mine,

"C'mon, it's easy. Just find stumps and branches to put your hands and feet. "

His eyes widened, and he shook his head violently.

"I'll take my chances and just sleep under your tree for tonight.."

He said meekly, before curling up beside the tree I was in. I have him an odd look, but his eyes were already closed. I was already drifting off into sleep when I heard a quiet,

"Goodnight Sky.."


DON'T HATE ME, IM SORRY. I just haven't been able to find the energy to update lately, but I'm back!! I made this update pretty long and really detailed to try and make up for it! If anyone cares! By the way.. If you vote I'll update faster. So vote!! And comment!! And all of those wonderful things! Until next time!

- Marisa <3

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