Chapter 16: Phobias (Caitlin+Liam's POV)

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(A/N) Hey, guys! Guess what? Off hold! Yay! ok here's your new chapter, with a new one coming your way in, I wanna say, a week? Well, As some of you may already know, I did a complete re-haul of the prologue, because I personally thought that it was too boring the way it was. Go check out the new one, and I hope you like it! I also made some changes to two chapters, 1(First Sight) and 7(Choir). 1 just has a little dialogue from the prologue moved into it, and 7 just has a little change in the first page or so (If you're on desktop, that is,) so if you wanna go check it out, it's kind of a lead-up to the next chapter. All right, enough of this, go read the chapter!

"Alright guys, take it from measure 62!" The guys launched back into "Breakeven," and even though it was only the second day they had been working on it, the song already sounded phenomenal. After they cut off, Me. Joyce paused, and looked around, amazed. 

"It's unusually quiet in here today, girls. I like it." 

"They're probably just in shock about how bloody brilliant we sound and how incredibly fit we look!" Louis suggested, striking a pose that was probably supposed to look somewhat impressive, though jokingly. The funny thing was, all the girls in the room looked away from the guy's section quickly, blushing shades of pink, and giggling or mumbling to each other. Caitlin glanced over at the tenors, and somehow caught Liam's gaze. She started to blush, an embarrassed smile sneaking onto her face.  

"OK guys, we better lay off the girl-hypnotizing boy band vocals for a while, before all these chicas hyperventilate themselves into fangirl-induced comas." The girls blushed even deeper as the guys laughed. "All right, guys, let's stop picking on the girls for a while. You guys can sit. Girls, stand up and let's start your song!" The girls sighed in relief at Ms. Joyce's words and stood up, while the guys grumbled and sat down. "OK, the first part of this song is a solo..." The girls exploded into a flurry of chatter, most of them looking at Tessa. Caitlin glanced around, saying nothing. Tess was obviously the best soprano, and she really deserved every solo that she landed, but it was starting to seem like the Tessa Show around here.

Ms. Joyce continued, "So let's run it a few times, and then we can have everyone try it out on their own tomorrow." Some of the girls just rolled their eyes and didn't even look at the music, pretending to listen to the solo line get plunked out on the piano as Tess studied the notation carefully. Caitlin sighed, flipped past the solo, and started running through the high soprano part in her head. Might as well learn something she would actually sing.

After they were dismissed, Caitlin started slowly walking towards the door, meeting up with Liam on the way out.

"Hi!" He greeted her with a smile.

"So, Anatomy next?" Caitln asked.

"Umm, if that's what we have today... This school is so confusing, having different classes every day. How do you keep track?" Liam had the cutest confused look on his face.

"Easy!" Caitlin responded, and then began to explain her method, "You keep a binder for each class, but if it's a weekly one, you label it with the day instead of the subject. That way, you always grab the right things for that day, and you never forget which class you have on any given day."

"What if you forget what day of the week it is?"

"Trust me, that wouldn't happen to me... I'm actually a little OCD." She admitted, "I mean, I don't get panic attacks every time a picture is crooked or anything, but I just have this compelling feeling that all my stuff has to be organized, and that I have to be early to everything. I guess it just gives me a feeling of control, like if I'm early and organized, then I can be more in control of my life, you know?"

"I feel kind of like that, too, sometimes," Liam told her.

"Yeah?" Caitlin felt a spark of hope.

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