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i wake up with a huge smile on my face. today is friday, the day we leave for nebraska.

"babe, we need to head to the airport." i shake him while i straddle his body.

"babyyy." i coo. he groans and opens his eyes slowly, smiling a little.

"i love waking up and seeing your face." he says. i blush and get iff him.

walking to the bathroom, i grab a sweater and put it on so i'm not so cold. i do my everyday morning routine ad wait for jack to get out of the shower.

once he finishes, we get dressed and immediately leave for the airport.

the closer we get to our gate, the more excited i become. i'm extremely excited to meet his family. but, we aren't meeting his parents.  which i don't mind.

we take our seats, and i lay my head on top on his shoulder. my hand in his, not just a perfect fit, but theres nothing perfect in our relationship.

all i know is that our love is real.

"jack." i say, sitting up a bit.

"yeah baby?" he turns his head towards me, planting a wet kiss on my lips. i smile against it and stare into his brown eyes.

"thank you for taking me. this is very exciting." i smile. he smiles back and kisses my forehead. "no worries."

he squeezes my hand a little, and then i start to fall asleep.


"lets go babe." jacks raspy voice says. i blink my eyes slowly and notice everyone is already out of the plane.

"oh." is all i say and stand up.

we walk out, walking to collect our luggage.

"there it is!" i yell, noticing my chanel suitcase jack had bought me.

i pick it up, and we walk outside. i notice a black car with very tinted windows.

"thats our car." jack points to the black car. the driver opens the door for us and closes it once we are in.

here goes nothing.

we enter a regular sized home, immediately i'm hit with the smell of fresh homemade cookies.

"grams! we're here!" jack calls throughout the house.

i hear a surprised yell and footsteps coming toward us. i see a small lady with the biggest smile on her face.

"awh jack! i've missed you!" she shouts. i hear more footsteps seeing a taller older man.

"oh! whose this?" jack grandma exclaims.

"this is my girlfriend, amelia." jacks says with a smile, looking at me. she engulfs me in a hug and i smile at the scent of her.

jacks family seems very nice. his grandparents anyway.

"hi amelia. welcome to the family." she smiles. i furrow my eyebrows. how am i apart of his family if i'm just his girlfriend.

"grandma... shes just my, girlfriend." jack says, making the word 'girlfriend' stand out more.

"oh. sorry baby. i didn't know." she laughs a little. "i made cookies! come in!" she cheers.

jack and i walk into the kitchen seeing a shit ton of baked cookies all over the counter.

"wow grandma. thats alot of cookies." jack chuckles.

"well, i know how you love my cookies." she smile.

i love jacks grandma, shes just full of spirit and love. i wish my family was more like that.


we sat and talked with his grandparents for a long time. they wouldn't stop asking questions about me, and surprisingly jack answered everyone of them.  i guess he knows a lot more about me then i thought he did.

jack and i walk upstairs to his old bedroom.

"why is your old bedroom here?" i asked a little confused since i thought he lived with his parents.

"my parents were always gone when i was younger, so my grandma and grandfather took care of me." he smiles. he opens the door and i chuckle.

his room is filled with a bunch of basketball trophies and some jerseys. plain white bedsheets and his walls a light shade of blue.

"i didn't know you liked basketball." i walk over to one of the trophies, examining it as jack sits on the bed.

"there's a lot about me you don't know about." he laughs. i turn around and raise my eyebrows.

"is that so?" i question. he nods and motions me to come to him.

i slowly walk over to him, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down onto his lap.

he looks me in my eyes and leans in. i lean in too, kissing in the middle.

he pulls apart and places his forehead on mine.

"i can't wait." he says.

chasing love; j.gWhere stories live. Discover now