Chapter 5 - Partners in Crime

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Kissing Karai was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And I feared that all the while I enjoyed it, the deeper and deeper I fell into the hands of danger...

It's been a couple of days since the kiss with Karai. Even now my mind still goes hazy when I think about it. The bit I can't get over the most, however, is what Karai told me before the whole thing went down; about Shredder. The way I see it, she's a slave under his control. There's a shred of good in her, I just know it - pun not intended.

Despite all my emotions towards Karai, I still face one major problem - Splinter. Every moment longer he doesn't know about what happened with Karai, the more my stomach eats itself. As a leader of a group who protect millions of people, I feel like I'm letting down everyone by not telling Splinter the truth. I feel like I've betrayed his trust. I can't even look him in the eye anymore without feeling like I'm going to break down in tears over sheer guilt for what happened. I can't even begin to imagine his reaction if he ever discovered the truth.

In an attempt to clear my head, I leave the lair and head for the world above. I sprawl myself out across a vacant rooftop and just stare at the stars. I'm breathing so heavily I can't even hear myself think - at least not about anything but Karai. Eventually I just close my eyes in an attempt to meditate and to clear my head.

My quiet time is short lived, when I sense some near me. With one swift move, I grab my Katana's and stand in a fighting stance. My interrupter turns out to be the last person I want to see when I want some time to myself - Karai.

I sigh, and put my Katana's back where they belong. "You need to stop doing that!" I say.

"I was going to say hi, but you're the one who pulled out their swords!" She sasses back.

Knowing that she's won the argument, I nervously rub the back of my neck and chuckle awkwardly. "It's a habit." She smiles, something that makes me melt and suddenly I want nothing more than to replay what happened the other night again.

"So, uh..." She says, taking a step forward. "What're you doing up here?"

I cut her off. "About the other night..." She suddenly tenses up, obviously wanting to avoid the topic.

Her gaze falls to the ground, and she shuffles her feet. "About that..." My heart skips a beat as I feel like she's about to say something shattering. "Leo, there's no easy way to say this..." I take a step forward, preparing to tightly embrace her. "...If my father ever found out about this, he would decapitate you and have your head on a platter." I breathe a silent sigh of relief. "And he'd probably never forgive me."

I take another step forward, our bodies slowly closing the gap. I lift her chin with my finger so our eyes meet. "If you're willing, then so am I." She smiles, before we both lean in and our lips connect.

Sudden memories and feelings from the other night come flooding back, except this time it's better than ever. Fireworks burst throughout me, and I feel as though my feet are slowly lifting from the concrete rooftop. She tightly wraps her arms around me, pulling me even closer, and I do the same. I want this moment to last forever.

Eventually she pulls away, arms still wrapped tightly around my body. She smiles, then purses her lips and looks at the ground. I try and regain eye contact. "What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks up and bites her lip, something that makes my shell tingle. "You want to help me with something?"


We're peering over a ledge to a little corner shop that sells antique weapons. I look at Karai as her eyes are fixed on a certain Katana sitting in the window. I can almost see the saliva dripping from her mouth. "It's beautiful." She says, her eyes lit up like golden orbs. She suddenly turns to face me. "Okay, so here's what we'll do--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I say, cutting her off. "You're going to steal it?"

She shrugs and points to the Katana. "How else am I meant to get my hands on it?" She says. "You seriously think I have that kind of money?" I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms across my plastron. She sighs and crouches back. "Look Leo, I'm a deadly assassin and the daughter of a supreme overlord. Stealing comes as second nature to me." She rests a hand on my shoulder. "It's not like we're going to get caught!"

"We?" I echo. "No, we are not going anywhere near that store." She pouts at me.

"Don't act like it doesn't intrigue you." She says. I turn back to look at the magnificent sword. It's resting so calmly in the window, almost in mint condition. It looks so peaceful, so powerful. "You deserve it just as much as I do." I almost feel as if it's calling my name.

"Leo... Leo..."

I shake the fog from my head, before I stand up and begin to walk away. Karai's messing with me, and I'm not allowing myself to fall into jeopardy. "Where are you going?" She asks.

"Away from doing something stupid!" I reply, not looking back. I expect her to follow me, knowing she won't have an accomplice to help her with her robbery. After a few seconds, I hear something launch form the rooftop, and quietly hit the ground. I turn to see Karai gone, and my heart skips a beat. I race to the edge, to see Karai stealthily moving across the street. "Karai!" I hiss, but she ignores me. "Karai!"

Going against all my gut instincts to just leave her and let karma take its course, I jump down and follow her. She's nearly at the door when I catch up with her. She turns around and smirks. "What made you change your mind?"

"I didn't." I reply sternly. "I can't let you do this, Karai." She shrugs.

"I thought you liked me, Leo." She says.

"I do, but I'm not letting you do this." I reply. "There are other ways to get a new Katana." I place a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah well..." She says, reaching for the door. "This is my way."

Letting my instincts kick in, I pounce on her to prevent the door from opening. Instead, I knock her into it, the vibrations causing the alarms to go off inside the shop. She gets up instantly before running off. I try to stand but I feel disoriented, when I suddenly hear the sound of blaring sirens in the distance. I run into a nearby dark and abandoned alleyway, hiding in the shadows. Before long, the police arrive and inspect the scene. I retreat deeper, trying to keep myself hidden.

"There doesn't seem to be any evidence of an actual break in." One of the police says, taking a bite of a donut. "Looks like it was just a mistake."

A wave of relief washes over me as they leave, when I suddenly see a silhouette of Karai standing on the ledge of a rooftop watching me. I wave timidly, and she does the same before disappearing. I take a deep breath out and lean up against the brick wall behind me.

That was too close.

Suddenly, I find myself questioning everything over the past few weeks I'd known Karai. Everything I believed about her being a good person was now suddenly just a mere question mark. After her actions tonight, I wonder whether Shredder has corrupted her for good.

But as sad as it may seem, I'm still attracted to her. I still have this burning desire to hold her in my arms and for that fireworks feeling to happen every time we kiss. I want nothing more than to constantly have her by my side, than to just feel her with me.

I want her, and only her.

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