Chapter 16 - Welcome Home

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I expected everyone's reaction to know that Karai was alive and well to be mixed. I was most concerned about Splinter, however. Every time he saw Karai, he got this weird look in his eyes. In addition, I'd forgotten that my brothers and April knew about mine and Karai's relationship, and after what had happened in the alley; I was sure none of them would ever let me live it down.

Karai holds back cautiously in the shadows as I enter the lair. Despite my earlier objections, she's still adamant about the warm welcoming not being so warm. I give her a reassuring look as clutches her elbows in comfort.

Upon entering the lair, all eyes are on me. April's the first to speak. "Where have you been?" She asks.

I jump the security bars, landing at the foot of the stairs with a quiet thud. "I went looking for Karai."

April sighs. "Leo, we've been over this she's not--" Karai suddenly emerges from the shadows, still reluctant to come into the light. The moment April lays eyes on her, she looks like she's about to faint. "...Alive?" I fold my arms across my chest, a smug look on my face saying: I told you so. Raph, Donnie and Mikey suddenly turn around, and upon also noticing Karai's presence, their mouths hang wide open in surprise.

Karai shyly waves. "Hi guys..."

"What the-- What-- W--" Raph babbles, unable to comprehend what he's seeing. "We saw the warehouse collapse on you! How--?"

She reluctantly walks in towards the lair, taking a seat on the couch. We all surround her, except for me, who goes to find Splinter. Other than myself, Karai's apparent death affected him the most, oddly enough. As I exit the lair and head towards Splinter's room, I can hear Karai about to explain herself to everyone.

I slide open the door, and poke my head inside. Splinter is meditating, eyes gently shut. I clear my throat. "Sensei?"

He breathes deeply. "Leonardo." He says, not even opening his eyes. "What troubles you, my son?"

I take one step inside the room, and slide the door shut behind me. "It's Karai." I say softly. His face flickers like I've hit a nerve. "She's alive."

Suddenly, he opens his eyes and for the first time ever, I see a different look behind his gentle mahogany eyes. He slowly stands up, and exits the room without so much as a word. Slightly worried, I follow him outside.

He stands just outside the door, almost paralyzed. His hands rest behind his back, yet a look of surprise and joy and shock is embodied onto his face. "Miwa?" He says softly. Karai's head turns to face him, as does my brother's and April.

As I hear him utter that same unfamiliar name, a wave of confusion sweeps over me again. Miwa? Why does he keep referring to her as Miwa?

"Splinter." Karai says, almost ashamed of her presence. He takes a few steps towards her, as does she. Her head hangs low as she shuffles her feet towards him. They stand about three feet apart, Karai still refusing to look Splinter in the eye. The tension in the air is so thick you could practically cut it with a knife. After a few moments of an awkward silence, Splinter speaks.

"I am glad to know that you are okay."

Finally, she lifts her head so their eyes meet. "Splinter, you need to understand--"

He rests a hand on her shoulder. "I already understand." She looks at him in surprise. "You did a brave and noble thing, Karai. You attempted to sacrifice yourself for the wellbeing of others. Furthermore, you did it without killing yourself. Even the most well trained ninja - or kunoich - would find that difficult."

Suddenly, she wraps her arms around him in a tight embrace. I feel my heart soften as Splinter gently holds her too, making her feel warm and welcome. As I look at her tear-stained face, a gentle smile slowly makes its way across her lips. She finally feels at home.

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