Chapter 7 - Downfall

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I finally thought I had figured out what I needed to do to help Karai. I had a clear view on the situation, but it seemed that Shredder had other plans for his daughter...

I wait patiently on the rooftop for Karai. I'd sent her a message for her to meet me up here, but she's already 10 minutes late. I start to worry as time passes. Perhaps she didn't get my message, or maybe she's out on a mission and can't get away, or maybe she's been abducted...

I mentally smack myself in the head.

Listen to yourself, Leo! Karai knows how to take care of herself, she's a highly trained kunoich after all. For all I know she could be on her way right now. I take a deep breath and sit on the ledge of the building, swinging my legs like a child.

Suddenly, I hear a thud behind me, and I turn around to see Tiger Claw. I grit my teeth, and prepare to reach for my Katanas. "Can I not go one night without one of you creeps plotting to attack me?" I grunt.

He stands tall and proudly, and when I draw my Katanas, he doesn't even flinch. "I'm not interested in a fight." He growls.

I relax my pose, and drop my arms to my sides. "Why are you here, then?"

"I bring a message from Shredder." I can feel my muscles tense and my blood start to boil at the mention of his name. "If you ever want to see Karai again, come to this address at midnight." He hands me a slip of paper. "And bring your vermin master."

As he backs away into the shadows, I can feel my heart beat faster and a rush of adrenaline pulses through my body. Shredder's using Karai as bait so he can lure Splinter and us right into a trap.

I grip the paper tightly and prepare to head back down to the sewers. My stomach is in knots as I imagine what sorts of torturous things Shredder plots to do against Karai. His own daughter! He's more black hearted and twisted than I first thought. He's purer than pure evil.


I race into the lair, gathering the attention of all my brothers. Raph sits on the armchair reading a magazine, Donnie's fiddling around with MetalHead, and Mikey's enjoying a slice of pizza. When I enter the room, all eyes are on me. "I need your help."

Donnie looks up. "What's the problem?"

"Karai..." I say. "She's been captured by Shredder; and she'll be killed unless we show up at this address at midnight."

Mikey looks at the piece of paper. "Hey, I know this address!" He says. "Its an old abandoned warehouse. Used to be a meat factory."

Raph looks at our little brother, surprised at his knowledge. "And you know this how?"

"A couple of pizzerias used to use their meats for their pizza. I followed them one night to get their secret recipe." He replies, smiling.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the slip. "Anyway, Shredder wants us here at midnight. And he wants Splinter."

"Who wants me?" We all jump to see Sensei gracefully emerge from his room. Everyone looks at me. "Leonardo? What is this about?"

"Shredder has taken Karai captive." The moment I mention her name, Splinter's eyes flicker. "He wants us to bring you here at midnight, or else she's killed."

He thinks for a moment. "Shredder wants me. I should go. Alone."

"Sensei--" I object.

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