Chapter 14 - Suspicious Minds

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After I found out Karai was very much alive and well, my mind was in two places. One, I was over the moon that she wasn't dead; and two, I felt severely betrayed that she would fake her own death yet still be under Shredders command. But, as usual, things weren't as simple as they first seemed.

I peer over the side of the building as I watch Karai and her army of Foot soldiers unbox the weapons from the other night. She holds up a shiny metallic plasma gun, a twinkle of happiness in her eyes as she admires the weapon. I narrow my eyes as I watch her turn towards her army.

"Foot Clan," she says. "Take these weapons to Shredder." The soldiers nod before marching off with their loot.

I prepare to make a surprise entrance, when I notice someone emerge from the shadows. My eyes widen as I notice Hun, the leader of the Purple Dragon's step into the light and approach Karai. A devilish smile crosses his face.

"I told you I would not let you down." He says, smirking.

Karai gives him an equally devilish smile. "You're a man of your word." She says. "That's a good thing, especially when you're dealing with Shredder."

He chuckles, and I narrow my eyes as he lifts his finger to her chin. A grossed-out look crosses my face, as he tries to seduce her. "How did such a scary guy like him end up with such a delicate flower like you?"

She bats his hand away, a look of disgust in her eye. "I'm not delicate." She hisses. "And don't touch me."

He chuckles again before violently gripping her waist. "I held up my end of the bargain..." His face suddenly gets dangerously close to hers. "Now it's time for you to hold up yours."

She struggles to get out of his grip. "This is not what we agreed on, Hun!" She growls as he slowly inches closer and closer to her.

I'd seen enough. With my eyes burning, I jump down from the building and charge towards Hun. "GET. OFF. HER!" I shout, knocking him onto the ground.

I look at Karai, who has now gone extremely pale after seeing me. "Leo?" She says in shock and embarrassment.

"Hello Karai." I say, giving her a pissed off glare. Her gaze immediately falls to the ground. "Miss me?"

Hun gets back onto his feet, wiping away the blood from his cut lip. He growls. "Stupid amphibian."

"Actually," I say, getting my Katana's ready. "I'm a reptile!"

We charge at each other, weapons blazing. He takes a swing at my head with his fist, but I dodge it, my arm swinging round and hitting him in the side. He lets out a groan as he attempts to sweep my legs. Jumping over his attack, I kick him in the stomach, which sends him backwards. He slides across the ground, before getting up and charging at me again. He draws his fist back, but just as he's about to strike, I grab his fist in my hand swiftly and without changing my facial expression.

Hun looks at me, surprised and intimidated. I lean forward, a menacing flare in my eye. "Don't you dare come near her again. If I find you within a ten mile radius of Karai," I turn back to look at her for a second. "I will personally slit your throat and use your skin to make a jacket. Understand?"

He nods, trembling hard. I let him go as he scampers away into the shadows, and I slide my weapons back into the pouches on my back.

I hear Karai take a few faint steps towards me. "Leo, that was--"

I cut her off, not even facing her. "Why?" I ask.

She stays silent for a second and I can tell she's already ashamed. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. "I had no choice..."

I can feel my anger building up inside me, and I turn around to face her. "There's always a choice." Her head hangs low and she grips her left arm softly. I shake my head. "You faked your own death, only to still be under that sick-minded psycho killer's influence again!"

She looks up, tears forming in her eyes. "Let me explain--"

"Do you have any idea how broken I have felt these past few weeks because of you?" I say, cutting her off again. "I didn't leave my bedroom for five days because I felt like I couldn't find the strength to live without you." She wipes away at her eyes, still looking down. "And what was going on with you and Hun?"

A tear falls down her cheek. "I know I messed up..."

"You got that right."

"But please, Leo, let me explain." She says, her voice trembling. I sigh deeply and fold my arms across my plastron, waiting for her response. She takes a deep breath. "When we were rescuing Frank that night, I realised something." She bites her lip. "I realised that the only person who can really stop Shredder, once and for all, was me." I raise an eyebrow, but she continues. "I'm his daughter. I know him better than anyone else. He trusts me. I know every little nook and cranny of his lair, and I know his every weakness. I am the only one who can really take him down... Permanently."

I nod. "Okay. That makes sense."

"When I saw what he was going to do to Frank, I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to him. He saved Splinter's life, after all." I nod, recalling the memory. "That's when I realised, the only way that I could really pull this plan off was to get on Shredder's side."

"So you faked your own death."

She nods. "And it was the most painful thing I have ever had to do, because I knew what I was putting you through."

Although what she's saying is making sense, I can't find it in myself to fully forgive her. No matter how hard I force myself to do it, I can't.

"I'm sorry." I say, turning away. "Karai, there are other ways you could have gone about this."

I can suddenly feel the hurt in her voice. "I was doing it for you! For the good of New York and for your family!"

I turn around and face her again. "But you could have done it without the lying and the betrayal." Another tear falls down her face. "Being a hero comes with its casualties, but it should never be someone you care about; least of all, me."

She walks towards me. "Please, Leo."

A tear falls down my cheek. "Why should I believe you?"

She stands right in front of me and looks me straight in the eye, and for the first time since I last saw her, I can see the raw emotion behind her eyes. She swallows a lump in her throat.

"Because I love you."

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