Chapter 10 - Hush Hush

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Now that Karai and myself were living under the same roof, trying to keep our secret hidden was even more difficult than before. But living with three sneaky brothers meant that our secret wouldn't stay so secretive for much longer...

I awaken the next morning to find Karai still sleeping soundly on the couch. I quietly sneak past her, and into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Oddly, the lair is dead quiet. I look up at the clock on the wall - 9:07 am. Where are my brothers, and Splinter?

I suddenly spy a note on the kitchen counter, clearly addressed to me. Starting to worry, I pick it up and scan over it, freaking out that they've been taken captive by Shredder.


I have taken your brothers out for an early morning training session. I did not want to wake you, and you also need your rest after some of the events of the past few days. Keep an eye on Karai, and make sure she feels welcome and protected.

- Splinter

A wave of relief washes over me just as I hear Karai stir back outside. As I'm quietly walking back, she yawns and stretches. I stand in front of her, a comforting smile on my face. "Good morning, beautiful." I say.

She rubs one eye. "Morning, Leo." I smile happily and crouch down to reach her height.

"Do you feel like some breakfast? I think we have a few eggs in the kitchen I can try and cook?"

Karai's face suddenly looks turned off. "Um... no thank you."

I give her a confused look. "Are you allergic?"

"No, no." She says, ruffling her slightly messy hair. "It's just that... I'm a vegan."

I'm taken aback. "You're a vegan?" I echo. "As in, nothing that is or from an animal?"

She nods timidly. "I know, I know, I'm a supreme overlord's daughter and I'm a vegan. Sew me!"

I chuckle quietly and brush a rogue strand of jet black hair out of her face. "I think it's cool." She looks up at me in surprise. "It means you're different. I like different."

She smiles as I cup her face and slowly draw it closer to mine, making our lips softly touch but only for a few seconds. When I move backwards, she smiles happily at me. "You know we're completely crazy, right?" She says.

I chuckle. "Absolutely nuts."


A few hours later, Splinter and my brothers have returned. I'm in the dojo with Karai, sparring each other. Splinter is meditating quietly in his room, Donnie is working on the TurtleMech, Mikey is having a marathon comic book session and Raph is... well, somewhere being Raph.

She grunts as she throws a strong punch which I narrowly miss. I try to roundhouse kick her, but she dodges it with a back handspring. We fight back and forth like this for a few minutes, until she gains the upper hand, knocking me back with a surprise tackle.

I land on the floor, staring up at the concrete ceiling. Karai walks over and offers me a hand up. "How does it feel to be beaten by a girl, Leo?" She jokes.

I dust myself off. "You've been taught well." I say. "But I was going easy on you." She playfully rolls her eyes. "I didn't want you to break a nail."

She chuckles. "Please, you couldn't beat me if I had one hand tied behind my back!" She places a hand on her hip, and a smirk crosses her face.

"How about a rematch?" I ask, my eyes narrowing.

"You're on, blue bo--" I cut her off as I throw myself at her in a strong tackle, pinning her to the ground. She grunts as she struggles to get out of my tight grip, but it comes to no prevail.

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