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There are two ways people can tell romantic stories. One way, they can make it sound airy and floaty like something out of a children's fairytale book. As if at the stories end, everything ended well and the lovers in question lived happily ever after. Don't get me wrong, I like hearing that sort of a story as much as anyone; but the trouble is, it's never true.

Love is never easy.

My story, however, is told the other way - realistically. You could ask any realistically thinking person and they will tell you: Life isn't like how they describe it in fairytales. There isn't going to be a fairy godmother who will make your dreams come true, and there isn't going to be a prince to sweep you off your feet. Instead, you need to be your own fairy godmother and your own prince, and do things yourself.

I learned that the hard way.

My tale is one of love, heartbreak, jealousy, betrayal and bloodshed. If this doesn't sound like a story you're looking for, then I'm sorry but you have the wrong book. Like all good stories, it features a hero, an occasional heroine, a villain, and a whole lot of characters which will make the story more interesting.

Throughout my story, I often used to pause and wonder to myself: was it really worth all that? The obvious answer would have been yes; but unlike most stories, more often than not the odds were against me. You see, my story isn't like most stories.

I'm sorry if I turn you off this completely, but I'm not exactly your average guy; and to be fair, neither is my love interest. You could say that we are two polar opposites. Nothing in common. But we were still attracted to each other. To make things even more complicated, we were raised to hate each other. But all that aside, we still wanted each other like no other two things on earth.

But the question throughout remained: How can you hide something thats so Forbidden?

This is our story.

And this is how it begins.

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