Chapter 11 - Better without

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On our way, Natsu had a stop in a gas station.

"Here, change to this clothes while I fill up the car.."

Quitely taken, I took the clothes.

Hmmm. He definitely prepared everything for this. I thought as I looked on the pair of jeans and white T-shirt he gave.

Without warning I suddenly chuckled.

When I shifted my gaze back to him, I was in for a surprise when Natsu's eyes met with mine.

"What are you looking at?" I asked shifting my gaze away.

"Hmm well maybe for the reason that you look so beautiful when you laugh." He said with the attempt of making me blushed again.. Geez

"And what so funny anyway?" He questioned.

"Ah- ah nothing that concerns you. Anyway is there like a restroom where I could change my clothes.."

"Uhm okay.. Well the restroom is right there at the corner. Just go straight there" Natsu said while pointing in one direction.

"But if you want, I could always happily lend a hand for you, in getting you changed" He added with a slight smirk on his face.

With that I passed him while saying, "No thank you, I can do it without your help."

Minutes later, I finished changing and while passing in the mirror just beside the exit.. I noticed the print on the shirt.

BE MINE inside in a figure specifically half heart.

"Aheem do you like it?" Suddenly Natsu came with somewhat the same shirt but with a diffent caption.

ALWAYS AND FOREVER again inside a half figure heart

"It's personalize. And I made it just for this day. Our first official Date Day with me officially courting you" Natsu said then giving the widest smile.

"Ehh?" was all I can say.

"Anyway, we should be going now if you want get into all the rides." Natsu grabbing my hand as we head to his car.

Arriving in the theme park was pretty exciting.. Just by hearing those loud yet really joyful shouts made me want to go right away.

"So where do you want—"

"ALL of THEM!!" I exclaimed with much excitement on my face.

Natsu with widen eyes seem to have been surprised.

"What's wrong? We can't ride all of them?" I asked

Then suddenly he burst out laughing.

"Awwe you look so cute babe. The way I'm seeing this, is this your first time in a theme park?"He asked while rubbing somes tears off his eyes.

Is he insulting me? I mean.. Am I really that excited? And.. And what if this is my first time? Should he laugh at me? Arrgh stupid!

"Yes it's my first.. So what?! It's not like I can't afford going to this kind of places. It's just my parents didn't have time to go in to this..Tssk. Whatever!" I said then turning my back to him.

But before I could take a single step, Natsu grabbed my wrist and turned me around really hard making me fall into his firm chest.

"I'm sorry if that's the case. I'm sorry for laughing.. And lastly I'm sorry for being a jerk." He said

Still in that position where my body close to him.

"Well let me give the best theme park experience then Ms. Heartfilia." He added while slight backing up to have his eyes met with mine.

Mean to YOU (Fanfic) | chillsysteaynaWhere stories live. Discover now