Chapter 12 - The Past

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A/N: Hi Minna ^^V forgive meee :( for not updating like for a veeery long time .. I'm glad though that you are liking my story soo much. Thanks and continue reading Minnas ^___^



Aheem.. Hello. I know you all are dying to know the reason, the answer and The Past of Lucy...

Well it all started when she was in Grade 6.

Lucy, to tell you honestly, was different from what or who she is known for in highschool.

She was friendly, sweet and very humble.

Everybody seem to like her.
Guys even, are all attracted to her.
And so, there was Gray Fullbuster.

Gray was the school's hearthrob. Gray is very sweet and kind to all. He is into sports but what makes all the girls love him is his talent in painting..

One day, in the cafeteria.

"Hi? Can i seat here?"

"Ah.. Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah. You, who are seating beautifully."

That was the first time Lucy and Gray spoke to each other. And it wasn't certainly the last.

From that point, they hang out a lot not just in school but also in parks or malls.

Until this moment happened...

"Can i court you Lucy?"

Lucy didn't tried to ignore because she knew from that moment Gray had made her feel really special. And that she likes him too.

"Had aomebody already told you, how beautiful you are?"

"Again with that? Yes I did already hear that, from you! Haha"

"Uggh But it's true and I can stop thinking how would it be too wonderful to hear you say Yes to me already."

Gray have courted Lucy for 2 months already. And right now Lucy have thought so many times already, on saying Yes to him.

"Tsk. Hahah Well if you keep your patience well I might just yes someday ."

"Yes I' ll certainly keep my patience until the day you finally yes to me. You mean the world to me baby. And I can't just imagine a world without you. Promise I will never let go of you. Even if it would take me a hundred years long for you." Gray said while giving Lucy a kiss on the forehead.

He is born sweet, no doubt about it. Gray has really made Lucy feel so special. And from that point, Lucy decided to meet Gray later for School to give him the answer he's been dying to hear.

"Heheh.. Are sure about this Lucy?.. My ghaad am I really gonna say Yes to him?"

"You look like an idiot Lucy, why are you talking to yourself?"

Lucy is on her way to Gray's classroom.

"Ahm hello. Is Gray here?"

"Gray? Gray's not here. But I did hear him say he's going at the back of the gym.. He said he's meeting someone there.." Gray's classmate said.

"Ohh Is that so? Thank you for the info."

"He's right. If he is not in class he is on the back of our gym. Hehe" Lucy thought.

The back of their gym apparently is the place where most of their special moments together happened. One time, Gray made the place so romantic for Lucy that he packed it with his portraits and paintings of Lucy. It is where he asked the permission to court her as well.

"Maybe he's got a surprise for me again. Hehe" Lucy thought while letting out a giggle.

As the distance drew nearer, Lucy was indeed surprised of the scene.

Gray and Brandish,the current SC president of the school, kissing each other.

The scene made Lucy cry so much. It was excruciating and so painful to bear. And the only thing she did was runaway with tears falling in her eyes.
The next Day,

"Hi Luc---" before Gray could finish his sentence. Lucy slap him very hard in the face.

"WHAT?! Does it hurt? Did I freak'n hurt you?! But let me tell you that pain you feel right now, is nothing compared to the pain you have caused me by making me the idiot who believed in your stupid and pathetic lies! You are nothing but a jerk, you and your slut friend Brandish! YOU BOTH ROT IN HELL!"

Lucy walked out. And it didn't took long for that same tears to come running down from her eyes.

It was definitely painful, wasn't it? And that thing even have caused Lucy to change schools. Just to get away from Gray and hoping to not ever bump into him again. The first guy who made her fall so hard but ended but breaking into a million pieces.

From then on, Lucy learned and changed. She even changed to somebody who doesn't trust people so easily. She focused herself to studies..

Everything about Lucy changed since then. Even her believing in something called love, fade away.

A/N: Hi minna! Here's the Update!! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR NICE COMMENTS!! Keep them comming^^ I sure want to know your thoughts about this chapter. Love lots ♡♡


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