Chapter 3

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Lorella smiled. "Hi, Masaomi." Masaomi sat next to Lorella, and Mikado sat next to Natsumi. 

"Nice to see you, Natsumi," Mikado said pleasantly. 

Natsumi, grumbled and started blushing. "H-hello, Mikado..." 

"Well, I'm starving. I wanna eat!" Masaomi yelled, pounding on the table. 

The waitress came over, obviously unpleased with screaching teenagers. "Can I help you?" Her tone stated that she was annoyed. 

"Yeah, me and my friend are with some babes, and I want to split a shake with this chick," he said, pointing at Lorella, "and he'll share one with her," finishing, pointing at Mikado then Natsumi.

Natsumi, Lorella, and Mikado flushed red. 

"No no, I-I'm fine...!" Natsumi pleaded. 

The waitress moaned. "I don't care... I'm bringin' two milkshakes, and you is gonna enjoy it." 

Natsumi sank down in her chair, Mikado was sitting still, and Lorella was trying to calm down. 

Masaomi looked at them like they were insane. "Have you guys never shared a milkshake?! Sheesh, loosen up!" 

Lorella looked back and forth. "Y-yeah, I guess we should settle down... Are you guys going to homecoming?" 

"It's this Saturday, right?" Mikado asked, then Masaomi nodded. 

Natsumi smiled. "I plan on going. I got a dress before school started, because my mom wanted me to be prepared. I-I probably won't have a date, and no one would probably talk to me, but I'm going anyways." 

Mikado nodded. "That's cool." 

Lorella sighed. "I wish I had a date, but no one would want to go with me... I don't think anyone really likes me enough to be my date, kiss me under the moonlight, dance the night away...-" 

Masaomi cut her off. "That's crazy, Lorella, and you know it!" Masaomi jumped out of his chair. "You're gorgeous, you're extremely nice, and whoever doesn't want to go with you must have something wrong with them! You might not see what's in you, but everyone around you does! You're irresistable! You're all I think about! Don't you care?!" 

It was absolutely silent, and everyone was staring. Lorella was extremely red, and Masaomi looked embarassed. 

Masaomi gulped. He hesitated, then finished it off with an obvious lie. "That's how the guy that would ask someone should say if they really cared about them." 

Lorella looked down at the table, then sighed. A small tear fell down and hit the table. 

Masaomi sat back down in his seat, screaming, "Jeez, how long does it take to get a milkshake around here?!" 

The waitress finally showed up, sitting two milkshakes on the table and flinging four straws in their faces. "Enjoy," she said sarcastically. 

Natsumi panicked, the littlest things always scared her, got her nervous, etc. She had some problems, and she knew. 

Lorella and Masaomi were already sipping the milkshake, Lorella overjoyed. 

Natsumi looked over at Mikado, who was drinking it without her. 

"I-I should probably get going....before my mom starts to worry." Natsumi waved goodbye, and headed home. 

She only thought the same thing the whole way home. "Why am I so stupid?" 

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