Chapter 14

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Natsumi's POV

One month later

I layed down slowly on the road. Not seeing him was killing me, and him having a girlfriend made it worse. 

I saw my mom come outside, holding a cup of coffee. It was still the morning, so she probably thought I was sleepwalking or something. 

"Sumi, get your pink hair inside, it's only 7 o'clock. Get back in bed." 

Tears rolled down my face. "I don't want to...." My mom was used to me doing crazy things like this by now, I have been for the past few weeks. 

She came down the sidewalk, making her way towards me. My mom grabbed my arm softly to help me get up. "I know how you feel, but doing these types of chenanigans like this won't solve anything. I'll take you to the mall later, it that'll make you feel better." 

It's hard to believe that we used to have something so strong. Mikado and I were practically inseperable, and so much changed. He never even told me how he got a girlfriend. Neither did Lorella, but she complained a lot about him. I haven't even talked to her since that night. Barely anyone has been, the only person that has been is Akari. Tambrey stopped talking to me after we got into a fight because she had a thing for Mikado too. It's been a crazy life for me so far; I feel like I've lost everything. Every single thing that has made my life interesting left me. I went inside to go freshen up. 

When I got done getting ready, my mom told me she couldn't go. 

"I'm really sorry, Sumi. I thought all the dishes were done and all of your clothes were clean!" 

I scratched the back of my neck. "It's fine, mom. I'll probably just walk around for a little while, maybe but a little something." 

"Okay, just don't do anything stupid." She walked in the kitchen and started the dishes. 

"Promise. I'll see you later." I grabbed my bag and went out the door, walking to the mall. It isn't a really bad walk, it was at least 10 miles away from where my house stands. Well, barely stands.. 


I sat down in front of the ginormous fountain that sat in the middle of the mall. I closed my eyes, then took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, I saw a group of a ton of people walk passed me. A lot of them looked familiar. I noticed Lorella, Masaomi, Tambrey, Rei, and Mikado. Lorella wasn't holding hands with Masaomi, though. She was holding hands with some dude I've never seen before. A lot has changed in a month. 

"Natsumi?!" Lorella questioned, sounding disgusted. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, my name is Natsumi. You're actually acknowledging my existence? And you too, Tambrey? I guess it's a whole group of people that hate me! What a surprise, since everyone else already does!!" 

Rei scoffed. "You're just jealous! You don't have Mikado!" 

"Jealous of what? A bimbo trollop that can't keep her hands to herself, or her legs together?" Everyone gasped like they heard something that was terrible. It wasn't terrible, it was true. 

"Why would you say something like that about Mikado's girlfriend?!" the guy holding hands with Lorella asked. 

"What's it to you? I've never seen nor met you, so how is this any of your business?" The guy had a blank look, but a look of hurt at the same time. 

I turned around, facing my back towards them. "I think I'm just going to walk away before I say something I'll actually regret." 

Rei walked up to me, then patted my shoulder. "Wait, I need to tell you something." 

I turned to face her, trying to fight the urge to punch her fugly face. "What? Hurry up, I actually have things to do." 

Her lips pursed, and she said devishly, "We did it!!!!" 

It felt like my heart was crumbled up like a piece of paper and then thrown away. "What? You've got to be kidding me!!" 

I looked over at Mikado, who had a sad expression plastered on his face. "It's not what you think, Natsumi." 

"Like hell it is! My life has been torture ever since that's happened! I can't sleep at night because I already know the next day will bring me disappointment! Do you know how much things have changed since the roller rink?" 

Everyone stayed silent. I laughed, then walked away. If I haven't, I would have killed every single one of them. 


I left the mall, then went to that tree I found a few months ago. I go to it every day, and it really helps when I need to calm down or just think. It's dying now, since it's getting close to winter. 

My eyes felt really heavy; it doesn't help I was extremely tired. I know I've been complaining a lot about the past things, but it's the biggest thing that's happened to me. I've never had such a dramatic experience happen in my life. 

Footsteps were coming towards me, just like how they do every once in awhile when Akari and Shizuo decides to stop by. It was only one person, so I figured this time it was just her. 

"How's it going?" someone asked. It was an unfamiliar voice, but I could tell I've heard it before. 

I turned to face whoever was sitting next to me, and it was the guy who broke my heart. "What's it to you, Mikado?" 

He laughed a little. "I remember when we first met, and you were the shyest person ever. Now, you're as hard as concrete, and you don't take anything that people say to you. I miss the shy you, you were much nicer." 

"It's your fault." I didn't even dare to look at him. "If you didn't hook up with a skank my life wouldn't be so terrible." 

"We really didn't do what you think. If she considers her trying to kiss me then I turn away sex, then she's stupid. That's why I broke up with her after she said that and caused you to run away. She always talked about you like she actually knew you. She only said bad things, of course, because she thinks you were the skank in her eyes." 

"Why did you go out with her anyways?" 

"It's what Masaomi wanted, and I'd feel bad if I let him down.." 

"But you let me down!! Do you know how that made me feel?" 

Mikado sighed, and didn't reply. 

"I just want everything back to normal.." 

"Well, it's definitely not going to be normal now, unless you want to act like it never happened." 

I smiled. "If what never happened?" 

I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. "Hi, I'm Mikado." 

We turned to face each other. "I'm Natsumi. Nice to meet you." 

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