Chapter 8

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Natsumi's POV 

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of all of what happened just a few hours ago. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. 

3:26 A.M. 

I knew I couldn't just let it all slide, so I decided to tell Lorella. I punched in her phone number, and called her until she answered. 

"Jeez, Natsumi, it's three a.m.!! What's so important that it couldn't wait until the morning?!!" 

I thought for a second. "Just let me go to your house..." 


I finally arrived at Lorella's house, and she was moaning and groaning when she opened the door. "Now tell me what's so important..." 

I curled up on the couch. "It's Mikado...." 

Lorella rolled her eyes. "As if I didn't know that..." 

"It's not just him... It's everything that's been going on with him lately..." 

She started flailing her arms around. "I already know, it spreaded like wildfire after Homecoming!!" 

I crossed my arms. "What happened then?" 

"Masaomi told me at one point Mikado took you to the park, and made out with you for like an hour!..." 

"H-how did you find out?!!" 

She sighed. "Everyone knows everything. Also, Masaomi and I were there after Homecoming and we saw you two fondling and whatnot!" Her mood then suddenly changed. "I'm happy for you two!~" 

"What? What do you mean by you're happy for us?" 

"Well, I kinda figured that you would be dating now that you were so close during and after Homecoming!" 

I shook my head. "No, but that would be nice... I just want to get him out of my head, just for a while so I can sleep! I barely have since I met him..." 

Lorella started laughing. "Sumi, I think you love him...!" 

I smiled. "I think I do too. But I doubt he loves me..." 

"But he wouldn't have danced with you! He wouldn't have kissed you!" 

"Maybe he just got caught up in the moment of it..." I sighed. 

Suddenly, Masaomi came out of the kitchen, and kissed Lorella's forehead. "Babe, why you up so late?" 

She pointed at me. "Natsumi is having boy trouble!" 

I got a little freaked out. "What the hell is Masaomi doing here?!" 

Masaomi grinned. "Sleepover. She won't let me in her bed, I have to stay on the floor..." 

Lorella laughed. "My mom would kill you if you were in the same bed as me. ANYWAYS, let's get back to Natsumi!" 

"Problems with Mikado?" Masaomi asked. How did he know? 

"How did you know? Lorella, did you tell him?!" 

She panicked. "I had to! Mikado is his friend, and you're my friend, and we're dating, so I thought he'd like to know!" 

Masaomi nodded. "I know everything about your lovey-dovey attempts with Mikado!~" 

Lorella snapped, "Don't you go telling Mikado about it! Natsumi and I will go after you!" Lorella laughed. 

I threw my face into the arm of the couch. "I didn't come here to talk about a bunch of stuff that I don't care about at 3 a.m. I just want some help!" 

Lorella and Masaomi looked at each other and exchanged looks. 

She replied, "Well, maybe we could just get you two together somehow..." 

Masaomi shook his head. "No, there's an easier way... We'll just take her mind off of him..." He started grinning widely. 


Lorella and I were walking around town, since now it's the afternoon. 

"I'm not sure what Masaomi has planned... If he even has anything planned at all..." Lorella started to think about it. 

"I hope he doesn't make Mikado hate me... After all we've been through, I don't want us to fall apart..." 

Lorella sighed. "Do you want to go visit Mikado? Will that make you happy?" She talked to me like a little kid, but it didn't bother me. 

I nodded happily. "Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome." 

We finally arrived at Mikado's place, and I started getting nervous, as usual. 

"Eh, maybe we shouldn't... He could be doing something... I don't want to disturb him..." I started walking the other way. 

Lorella grabbed my arm. "Nuh-uh! You're not giving up now! Your dream man is right through that door, so OPEN IT!!!" 

I started putting my hand towards the doorknob, then got scared. "No, I can't!!" 

"Maybe I can!" someone said heroically. We turned around, only to see Masaomi. 

Lorella and Masaomi hugged. "I missed you, Masaomi!~" 

As usual, he kissed her forehead like how he does every time they look at each other... "I missed you too, babe. Now it's time to open his door!" 

I stopped him. "Wait, I thought you were supposed to get Mikado to stay away from me?" 

He shrugged. "Meh, too much effort. It was only 3 a.m. and I really wanted to sleep. I just wanted to get you to leave. But if you want me to, I have a few ideas..." 

I shook my head quickly. "No no no!! I like where I'm at with Mikado!!" 

He shrugged. "'Kay, whatever..." Masaomi opened the door. 

Mikado just sat there on the couch, in a ball. He looked sad. 

"You alright, buddy?" Masaomi asked, walking in. 

He shook his head. "No, just thinking...." 

Lorella and I walked in. 

Masaomi continued, "What'cha thinking about?" 

"It's nothing, really..." Mikado looked like he hasn't slept in forever... 

Lorella pushed me forward. "Look, Natsumi really wants to talk to you. Talk away!" 

I stood there, frozen. "I.....uh....." 

Lorella continued, "Come on, it was easy for you last night, so do it now!!" 

"I... I can't...." I looked down, running out the door. 

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