June 26, 2013
Noodles and Flakes
You know how noodles can come in boxes from the store?
Well, that's how my mom buys them.
Backing up to Dr. Oz (what the hell, was he born in Emerald City or something?) or as I call him, Dr. What's-his-face or Dr. Flake.
My mom likes to watch his TV show because obviously she doesn't get that a lot of what he says is a load of crap to get people to spend money and shit like that. Anyway, there was one episode I overheard...
He said that there is no difference between normal noodles and whole wheat noodles. Whole wheat? The ones that look and taste like they were rolled in dirt.
But she still doesn't listen. Every other time she has listened to Dr. Flake. But not this time!
Today my daddy made spaghetti. I got all excited because I love my 'pasghetti. HE EVEN MADE GARLIC BREAD. My day was going to be amazing.
But then I saw the noodles. They were wheat.
I have nothing left to say.
Well, one more thing. Keep it classy, kids ;)
Daily Dosage of Dysfunction
HumorMy sarcastic and snappy rants on my day-by-day issues. I will whine. I will bitch. I will use language. Enter at your own risk. This is just a little vent I call my Daily Dosage of Dysfunction. Enjoy!