Chapter 6

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It was finally the weekend I got woken by text message from sam.

"Come to a party tonight;)"

"Where at?"

"It's a surprise :)"

"Um ok"

"Be ready by 3:00"

I just left the text as read and
locked my phone and I grabbed my remote and put Netflix.


I woke up and I jumped up I looked at my phone and it said 1:56pm.
I looked around my room then went
Straight to the wardrobe I looked for something to wear, it is a teenage party
Then I grabbed something out!

When I got finished I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair, then my mum came in

"Are you really gunna wear that ari"

"What don't you like"

She just laughed and said
"Have a good time"

I just smiled and put my Music on while I did what I had to do.

I walked back into my room and had no shoes to wear that matched so I just threw on my white high top

I got a message from Sam that she was here and I went down stair and out into her car.
"Omg Ariana you look hot" she joked

"So do you"


We got to the party and the music was blasting through the house. We walked in and someone came behind Sam and grabbed her butt.

All I heard was "what the actual fuck"
I found it so funny, I put my hand over my mouth so she didn't see.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a  bottle of water when I turned around
i saw Justin. I looked at him smiled then walked away

I walked over to Sam and we went out side, everyone was jumping
in the pool
and drinking but I wasn't in the mood.

I got bored after a while i went inside and I saw jake and justin sitting
on the stairs. A girl was on jake and Justin just had a drink in his hands.

He looked at me then jumped up I quickly turned away and walked in kitchen where no one was.

Justin put his hand around my waist and turned me around.

"Why have you been ignoring me" he said smirking

"I'm not, I just don't know you"

"We'll get to know me"

He pasted me a drink but I pushed it away.

"Come on relax, it won't hurt"

{ahaha I have a dirty mind 🌚}

i rolled my eyes and grabbed it from his hands and took a sip.

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