Chapter 1

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Ariana pov's *

I woke up at 8:00am from my stupid alarm, I got up then realised today is the day I'm finally leaving for LA.

I got up out of my bed and through on something comfy for the flight, put my hair half up half down. After I finished my makeup I walked down stairs and there was all box's around the hole house.

I grabbed my converses out of one my box's slipped Them on, after I was finally finished I walked into my mums room and she was just packing away the last of her things before she looked at me and smiled.

"You ready to go ari"

I nodded and we walked out the car while my family helped the box's into the truck.

We got off the plane and we got in a taxi and on our way to our new house, we pulled up and I got out. The house was huge!! I couldn't stop smiling I walked up the front steps, I looked to my right and there was a boy I didn't get a full view because I kept walking.

After we entered the house I dropped my bag and ran up stairs and looked around. It was amazing I couldn't believe it, my mum showed me to my room it what I always dreamed off.

It was getting late so my mum called for a pizza and I put up the blow up bed since my stuff hasn't came yet.

I eventually fell asleep


Thanks for reading more updates later

The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt