Ariana grande moved to LA little did she know she went to school with two very attractive twins.
They will have there ups and downs but who will she fall for?
I wanted to delete this but some people wanted me to keep this up. I had to discontinue...
Ariana had fell asleep on me and I was about to fall asleep, but I had to go home I can't just stay and sleep in her bed that's just awkward, I got up and pulled a blanket over Ariana and she snuggled against her pillow probably thinking it was me.
I walked down stairs and said good bye to her mum. After I went home and jake was still awake smirking at me asking where I was but I just had a shower and went to bed, sadly we have school tomorrow.
Ariana's pov*
Next morning:
I woke up to the smell of Justin then I looked up and he wasn't in the bed, I quickly got up and it was almost time for my alarm to go off. I got up and got ready for school!
After I was finished I walked down Stairs out to the bus stop and got on the bus. After I got to school I sat with sam and Justin came over and was on snapchat so I jumped in a photo
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After he took the picture he smiled and looked at me. "Please save that and send me it Justin" He nodded and then the bell went I got up and gave him a big hug
After he left Sam grabbed me and pulled me to the side. "Wow since the party you two have been real close ari remember what I said"
"Yeah yeah his just a friend" (So she thought)
I walked into English and Sam kept going on about fuckboys and the party etc. I was just zoning out since i was really tired from staying up last night.
The say went by so fast and I was in my last lesson of the day maths I usually hate it but I have Justin to entertain me. He would just make funny jokes but if he said anything mean about people I would glare at him and slap him.
I didn't want him to be like who Sam says he is or what her thought of him is. After class I told him when we were walking I don't like when he picks on people and he said sorry he was just showing off and I tapped his cheek and said "we know just don't be a jerk anymore"
He thought I was being serious but I just laughed and walked out the school gates with him following behind. Sarah the girl I hate one of the most bitches girls I have ever meet was all over jake, it was actually very disgusting!
I walked past then and said loudly "ew get a fucking room"
She got off him and Justin just laughed at me, I thought jake was the normal one! Sam didn't say anything bad about him but he sure looks like a slut well he was kissing one that probably has a disease!
I walked out to my mums car and said goodbye to Justin and closed the door, on the way home my phone buzzed and Justin sent me the photo we took it was adorable!! I posted it on Instagram with the caption.
"He never makes me doubt anything he does @justinbieber"
After I posted it I message him back and said "thanks cutie I really love this 😍💗" Then I locked my phone.