Chapter 5

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* the next day... (😂)

I was in first class and I made a new friend already, her name was sam she was on the cheer team but she wasnt a total bitch like the rest.

She asked me if I wanted to try out. I thought about it but I really didn't want to be "in that group" I rather be like not out there.
I want to go out with be called a slut or anything, at my last school I was in the squad and because one of the other girls slept around I got the name too.

Moving on just told her I would think about it.
Class just finished and we walked out she followed me I say down at a table I took out my phone and
We took a photo

We got bored sitting there so we walked around for a while and we were both laughing then out of no were I ran into someone.


I said before getting helped up by someone. I could here sam laughing
because I fell then she stop stopped.

After I got up and fixed my hair quickly then I looked up and jake was standing there smiling.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there"

"That's ok" I said smiling

"Well I got to get going" I said awkwardly

Then me sam walked away, then she turned to me

"His so hot"

I just laughed and kept walking, she was right tho.

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