Chapter 28

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Three months later..

Life has been stress full having a baby but it's been good.
After I moved In with Justin my mum moved back to Florida and I missed her so much.
I heard Naya crying so I jumped out of bed saw Justin still sleeping so I through a pillow at him and walked out the door, I picked her up and took her into the room to just and pasted Naya to him.
I ran down stairs and prepared her a bottle and took it back up to the room.

Justin was just staring at her

I past him the bottle and he popped it into her mouth

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I past him the bottle and he popped it into her mouth.
"So Justin I was thinking about going to see my mum"

"For how long"

"A week maybe but not for long"

"Well I'm coming I'll miss my girls to much"

"Your cute"

He just smiled at me and I jumped up and grabbed Naya's baby bag and went over to her draws and packed some clothes and nappys.
I got my suitcase up on the bed and opened it, there was my sexy underwear from Victoria secret and I looked over and Justin had a smirk on his face.

I got my suitcase up on the bed and opened it, there was my sexy underwear from Victoria secret and I looked over and Justin had a smirk on his face

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"Justin no" Ariana giggled and threw them on the floor and he followed them.
"Haven't seen them do that in a while"

"Your holding your damn daughter"

"She's asleep"

He picked her up and took her into her room.
It was really late I grabbed my phone and it was 1:36am wow!
He came back in and grabbed my phone out of my hands then started kissing me.
"What are you doing Justin"

"I miss the old you" he raised he eyebrows and winked at me

"Oh baby the old me hasn't went anywhere"
I got up and walked over to him and whispered in his ear.
"Do you miss me, all of me"
His eyes went wide and I kissed him.

I woke up the next morning and Naya slept through the rest of the night well I think Justin had closest the door.
I got up and slapped Justin to wake him up

"I'm going for a shower"

"Can I come?"

"Are you still horny wasn't last night enough" I joke.

"Hmm not really baby" he got up and came Over to me and kissed me.

"I'm going for a shower you need to listen out for Naya I'll be quick"

After I got out I fix my hair and got dressed, I walked back in and my makeup done.
I walked into the bed room and Justin was laying with Naya. Awe babys!

I gave Justin a kiss and then got out justins bag, I grabbed some of his shirts and jeans. Atleast it will match he just throws stuff on in the morning and doesn't care.
I grabbed his Calvins and I could hear him laughing so I turned around a shook my head.

After I packed his bag because his a big baby I got Naya dressed and we walked down stairs to the car.

We boarded his private jet and I put Naya down to sleep and I laid with Justin.
"Can't wait to see my mum"

"Yeah we haven't seen your Mumma bear in a while"

"OMG I think Frankie will be there Justin"

"How exciting" he joked.

"Fuck your beautiful Justin" I giggled.

"Hmm and your sexy" He said while grabbing my legs.

"Justin stop"

"Ariana wouldn't it be hot to fuck on a plane"

"Yeah no"

"But ari I want too"

"Justin last night was enough"

"It's not for me, I like when you scream"

"Justin Drew Bieber shhhhh" I slapped him lightly.

We got off the plane and walked out a side door so Justin didn't get jumped on by everyone.
The paparazzi found us anyways and taking photos and Justin was covering Naya's face.
We got in Justin black car and put Naya on her seat, after we sat Justin told the the drivers where my mums house was!

We got out of the car and walked up to the door step I was so excited to see my mum and brother again.
We rang the door bell and my mums face appeared.
Her face lit up and I ran into her arms.
"Oh my god Ariana I've missed you so much and who's this Naya. And hello Justin the man who makes me girl happy"

We walked in side and my mum gave Justin a hug then grabbed Naya.

The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt