Chapter 8

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I walked into my house rubbing my head I felt so sick, I went into the kitchen got some water and took a panadol.

My mum walked in and all that was running through my mind was I'm grounded.

She grabbed a glass cup from the cupboard and poured some orange juice then gave it to me.

I took a  sip and she looked at me

"How was your night"

"Umm I barely remember it"

"Hmm sounds about right"

She laughed and walked away, I put my  cup in the sink and went up stairs for a shower I felt so gross.

When I walked past the mirror I saw that I was still in Justin shirt oh.. Shit
My mum probably thinks I'm
A hoe!!! I put my hand over my
Face and shook my head.

I grabbed clothes out of my room and went & had a shower. I heard my phone beep while I was in there, I hoped out
And dried my self off and put
My clothes on then grabbed my phone

I saw the name "Justin 😍👅"
I laughed he must of wrote that when I was sleeping.

Then I opened his message,

"Let's hang out tomorrow"

"Ok, but I'm paying"

"You can try but I will be payin"

"Whatever Justin also your name in my phone made me laugh"

"Oh well its true I'm hot"

"Yeah yeah I'll talk to you tomorrow"


Heyyyyy guys sorry for short
&& not updating sorry :)

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