Ariana grande moved to LA little did she know she went to school with two very attractive twins.
They will have there ups and downs but who will she fall for?
I wanted to delete this but some people wanted me to keep this up. I had to discontinue...
Recap** I walked out of my room and grabbed some gloves. I walked back in my room and threw Justin some gloves and he looked up from his phone.
"Come on Bieber lets get this over and done with"
We walked down stairs and went out the back door and mum had so much more plants then I expected! We started putting stuff in the ground and Justin came over to me and put his arms around me. "Yes justinnnn"
He kissed my cheek then I could feel him smiling then he wiped dirt on my face.
"Ewww Justin"
I pushed him off me and got up he was just laughing at me. I wiped it off and grabbed some in my hand, I went off like I was angry then he came over to me
"Immm sorry arian-" Before he could finish I threw the dirt at him and I ran off laughing. He pulled me on the grass and was on top of me
"Well I guess we should finish this before we the day finishes princess"
"Alrighty but you will have to get off me first so we can do it"
He smirkedand got off me and helped me up, we had dirt all over our clothes and body's but we went and finished the job we started!
My mum came out of the house and told me she was going to her friends and will be back later. Imagine if she came out earlier omg 😬
After we finished we walked into the house and I felt gross so I quickly had a shower, when I came out I was wearing a crop top and shorts. I went in my room and he looked at me "Damn baby"
I rolled my eyes and replied. "Awe Justin stop being a fuckboy" "Now go have a shower your dirty"
Ten minutes past and he came out in a towel
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My eyes just widen and I think my mouth opened but I don't even know my mind was just blank. "Ari I forgot my clothes" I snapped out of my thoughts and got up and handed him his shirt that I brought home the other day and some of my brothers old pants. He smiled and walked back in the bath room!
All that was going through my head was fuck he is soooo hot?! He came out and sat down on my bed, his hair was wet and messy fuck me. "I saw you staring at me" he started laughing and I got embarrassed but then straightly said.
"Well you where in a fucking towel like you know your hot"
He cracked up laughing at me and then my face went red. "Shut upppp"
"Soooo you think I'm hot Ari"
"Stop your gunna make me blush buddy"
He came over to and looked me in the eyes and just started laughing again. I looked away and put my hands in my face covering my blushing.
He pulled my hands a Away and I was about to kiss my cheek when I heard the front door close. I jumped up and went down stairs and my mum had pizza in her hand! I grabbed it and yelled "thanks Mumma"
I put a nemo on because who doesn't love that movie and had the pizza out. By time the movie was finished I was dead asleep next to Justin.