Chapter 18

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A few days later... I was starting to get sick, I was throwing up and getting really hot then cold all of a sudden.
Justin came over and was cuddling with me. And my belly started feeling weird again and put my hand on my belly.

You alright ari"

"Yeah still feeling alittle sick"

"Oh my poor baby"
I just smiled at him and kissed him repeatedly on the cheek then he grabbed my leg and pulled it over him and I snuggled into him.

After a while I woke up and realised I had fallen asleep and I felt sick to my stomach I jumped up and throw up in the toilet and I sat on the floor.

Justin came in rubbed my back. Fuck this sickness shit!!!!!
I got up and brushed my teeth and laid back down!
I grabbed my phone and I saw a notification from Instagram so I clicked on it. And it came to a photo of me with my leg around Justin with the caption.

"My baby girl is sick"

Awe he must of took this when I passed out isn't he adorable!! I liked it lucky he didn't tag me all his fans would spam the fuck out of me and go crazy!We aren't dating yet and it probably looks like it, I fell asleep again and woke up from a mes...

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Awe he must of took this when I passed out isn't he adorable!! I liked it lucky he didn't tag me all his fans would spam the fuck out of me and go crazy!
We aren't dating yet and it probably looks like it, I fell asleep again and woke up from a message from justin saying he had to leave because it was late. And get again I was sick and ran to bathroom!

Someone came in rubbing my back and I turned around it was my mum.
"Oh honey you have been so sick lately what's wrong"

"I don't know but I want it over"

"Have you had your period"

"Mum! What are you saying"

"Well you have all the signs baby girl"

"Mum I really don't want to believe that"

"Well I'm getting you a doctor appointment"

I nodded and got up from the floor and went back in my room and put a movie on. I was seriously so scared for Tomorrow what if I am what's Justin gunna say and my mums gunna think I'm a slut! She's calm now but what if I am pregnant she gunna go crazy!!

Sooo hi :)
What do you think is she pregnant and what do you think Justin will do!?

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The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt