Ariana grande moved to LA little did she know she went to school with two very attractive twins.
They will have there ups and downs but who will she fall for?
I wanted to delete this but some people wanted me to keep this up. I had to discontinue...
It was the Grammys and made Ariana come with me, it was her first event with me! We told our fans that where together they were ok they didn't come at her but I knew some where angry! We thought if I win anything tonight I'm bring on stage to tell them about the baby. I got out the with Ariana and my mum.
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We sat down in our seats and I was getting nervous and she was rubbing my hands! "Justin I think it will be ok" "Yeah I know baby" The lights went off and we turned forward.
– "And the Grammy goes too........JUSTIN BIEBER"
I jumped up and grabbed Ariana hand we we walked up on the stage and turns around to everyone!!
"Omg this is sooo amazing I want to thank every single one of my fans who made this happen without you I don't know what I would do, my family and my girlfriend"
"Oh and we wanted to put this out there and not have it out straight on social media but me Ariana are going to have a baby and I'm very excited for y'all to follow this journey with us Thank you"
Everyone was clapping and cheering and I walked off grabbing Ariana hand!
- After the show we walked home and I went on social media to see what people where saying and most of it was positive! I kept getting photos sent through so I posted a photo thanking everyone for the support!!
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Arianas pov
We got back to Justin's house and I walked past the baby's room again it looked beautiful I can't wait until he or she comes into this world!
I went and had a shower it was really late then I walked back into Justin he was out. We moved in with each other a month ago, I am near three and half months pregnant! I'm not that big at the moment but I am showing alittle! I crawled into bed with Justin and he woke up he had messed hair then he smiled and cuddled into me.
– I woke up the next morning and Justin wouldn't get up so I sat on top of him and kissed him Repeatedly! He woke up smiled and gave me a kissed! I pulled away laughing and grabbed his hands. "Do you want some breakfast sexy"
"Hmm sounds good"
He gave me another kiss and I got up and went down stairs. I cooked bacon and eggs and sat them on the table I turned around and Justin came down and gave me kiss before getting food. I looked out side and yet again paparazzi across the street god there annoying!