Chapter 31

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After the hole Ricky incident I quickly drove home, when I arrived all the light were on. I opened up the big doors "I'm home!"

I heard someone coming down stairs and it was  jake "what are you doing here?", "justin had to go to a meeting so I was here to look after naya"
I just nodded and saw naya on the ground with some toys, I walked in kitchen and jake followed behind and sat on the bench. "I'm about to make some dinner want any?" I asked.
He nodded and pulled his phone out.

Awhile later after we all had dinner and I put naya to bed, jake and I went into the movie room and Put a Kevin hart movie on.
Justin came home awhile later and sat with us. After while I feel asleep on justin.

Justin's pov
When I got home jake and Ariana were laying on the lounge laughing, I felt some sort of jealousy out of it but I pushed it away. I sat in the middle and wrapped her hands around me and fell asleep. "Ari, Ariana" she didn't respond so I picked her up and put her our bed room.

Her phone lit up and I glanced at it
Unknown: thanks for the notes these lyrics will come in handy glad you didn't use them. 😂

I didn't really know if the were joking, maybe it was a friend or someone she wrote for. I had a shower then checked on jake, he was in the spare room sleeping. That's when I decided to go to bed.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancake and bacon. I jumped up and went down stairs.
Naya was in her high chair. I kissed her forehead and then Arianas cheek. "Gooood Morning" she smiled at me while flipping a pancake
"So Hun what was that message you got
Last night about some lyrics"
She looked at me and her eyes went wide.

The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt