Chapter 3

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I got up the next Morning and did my usual routine. I put on a black jumper with some white denim jeans.

I grabbed my sunglasses and walked down stairs, it's first day of school and getting on a bus!
I opened my front door and went down my driveway to the bus stop.


The bus finally came and I hoped on, I didn't have anyone so I sat by my self. My phone went off and it
Was from my best friend back home,
I missed her so so much school isn't going to be the same.

I messaged her for awhile until we got to school. I got up first and hopped off the bus, I walked through the gates and went straight into the girls bathroom to see if my makeup was fine.
There was already girls in there i ignored them but they kept looking me
Up and down. I looked at them and walked out, I don't need stupid bitches in my life

I walked down the hallway and i saw Justin I smiled and walked over to him


Sorry for leaving you waiting I'll
Update soon 🌚

The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt