Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning in someone's bed..
I jumped up and I was wearing a black shirt, wtf did I do last night i
Couldn't remember Anything.

I got up and the door opened and Justin walked in.

"I see your up"

"Did we slee-"

Justin Spoke over me "sleep together no we didn't you where really drunk"

He just laughed and I felt a weight come off my chest, I look up and Justin had his hand out.

"Come down stairs breakfast is ready"

I smiled and walked down with him. I looked around didn't look like anyone was home. I didn't really mind, I just sat down and he handed me a plate.

After we ate I said I had to go home and I walked side but then I remembered I don't have a ride.

I turned around and looked at Justin,
"Um sorry to annoy you but can you drive me home"

He nodded and we walked to his car and I hopped in the passenger side door, then my phone went off it was Sam.

"Where we're you last night"

"I was with.. Justin"

"Oooooh are you still with him you slut  😂😂"

"Omg chill & yeah, I gtg"

After I locked my phone he drove up my drive way I turned to Justin took of my seat belt and kissed his cheek.

He smiled as I closed the door


Sorry for a short chapter

The Bieber twins (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt