Chapter 13

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*Zayn POV*

"We're going to Niall's, do you wanna come?" Liam's voice spoke in the speaker.

"I would, but my car has broken down. Could any of you pick me up?"

"I can! Be ready in fifteen, I'll be there. And we're going to surprise Niall, so don't let him know that we're going."

"Right, I feel like girl right now, I have to wait for you to pick me up" I was pouting but he couldn't see me.

"I'll let you drive okay? Bye"

As I got dressed and waited for Liam to come, I realised that I haven't spoken to Niall since like ages. I speak to him a lot on average, we're literally like brothers. I really needed to know what he was up to, it was probably a good idea to drop by his place without informing him.

My phone buzzed.

From: Liam 

I'm here, come out and and try to be quiet cause I don't wanna be mobbed

I rolled my eyes and locked the front door as I got out. Liam was in the driveway, he handed me the keys and got in the passenger seat.

"Hurt my Audi and I'll hurt you" he threatened, but it was close to a baby penguin threatening me.


We arrived at Niall's flat to see Louis and Harry already there, but standing outside the door. Liam got out and jogged over to them, while I parked the car.

I joined them and caught the last part of their conversation. " I guess we should've informed him, we wouldn't have had to stand outside a freaking door. I wonder when he'll be back. He's not even answering his phone."

Just then Niall's car pulled up on the driveway, and a surprised Niall stared at us. He parked the car and jumped, yes jumped, over to us.

"Why didn't you inform me you were coming? I would've come earlier."

"Where were you?! We wanted to give you a surprise" Louis piped up.

"I was out for lunch with a friend." He hurried over to open the door, and let us all in. I have a feeling he was avoiding to say an important detail about the 'friend', but I let it pass. I think know who it was.

His living room was a proper mess. He left in a hurry, it seems.

Niall was trying to clean the room, with help from others. I went up to him. "Niall, can I talk to you for a minute? In another room"

"Yeah, sure" he led me to kitchen.

"Which friend were you with, for lunch? I know that you were with Zoey, and I can see right through you if you try to lie" I loved the flushed look that appeared on his face every time she's mentioned.

"Yeah I was with her."

"Little Nialler went on a date?" The look on his face was priceless.

"If you don't shut up soon then I'm gonna have to make you. I went for a lunch with her, just a lunch"

"And then she kissed you when you dropped her off? Right. It was a 'lunch', not a date."

"How'd you know that?!"

"The picture is all over twitter, though her face isn't visible. Don't yet let anyone know that it was her, or she'll start getting hate."

"Of course I won't, I'm not dumb. Let's get back to others before they start getting curious" he said as he hurried out of the kitchen. I feel like he has a crush on her. A huge one. But he doesn't have the guts to tell her. Who knows, he might, in the near future.

Who am I to comment on that? I'm being a pussy myself, not being able to talk to Lisa about it. And guess what? I've just met this girl twice. I guess this is sounds like the sappy and cliché 'love at first sight' kind of thing, which is quite ironical because I never believed in it earlier.

I joined the boys back in the living room. Niall and Louis were on the love seat, Harry on a couch and Liam on the floor. They were having some kind of discussion. I sat near Harry, and found out that they were just catching up on each others' lives.

Louis had been to his home at Doncaster, since we were on break. I had been there a month ago, so I felt like staying at London and catching up with old friends there. Niall remains quiet, which is very unlike him. He is out of the conversation at times. He is really into Zoey, eh?

Liam was just back from his home like five days ago. Harry was just at home, chilling out and getting some friends over. He wanted to be out of the hype for a while, according to him.

"Guess what, lads?" I piped up, I really wanted to tell the boys about Niall and Zoey. They don't have anything serious going on, but it could develop in the future. The lads should know about it, we practically know most of the details about each others' lives. That's what makes us so close, we can talk about anything.

Everyones ears perked up, and they looked at me expectantly. Niall had a pleading look, I guess he already knew what I was going to say.

"Drumrolls please... Niall here has a crush on Zoey!"

Niall's face is tomato red, I expected it to be. Everyone stared at him, he hadn't had a real girlfriend or even a crush since X Factor.

"What? Don't look at me like that, can't I have a crush on someone? Not a big deal" there you go, that's Niall to you. Never ashamed to admit anything, carefree as a mofo. That's what makes most of the girls have a crush on him (I guess).

"But who's Zoey, guys?" Liam hasn't met her yet. He wasn't with us that day at the dinner.

"I told you about the girls we met at the dinner, remember? I even mentioned Lisa, Zoey and Sarah!" Harry said. He was the only one who has been out with Liam and spent time with him since he returned from his home.

"Oh yes, you did! I remember you saying that Zoey and Niall talking a lot, right?"

I didn't realise that Niall could go any redder.

"Okay okay can you guys stop talking about it now please? Besides I think you haven't noticed Zayn properly these days. He seems distracted, don't you think?"

There we go. I knew he wouldn't rest till he spilled something about me.

"Absolutely! I have noticed it too. Who's it Zayn? Is is Lisa?" How does Louis know so much? Don't they all have other stuff to do? Oh wait, I was doing it myself, spilling the beans on Niall.

"It is Lisa! I saw him talking to her, oh so keenly, that day. Besides, he seemed lost in thoughts since he returned from Sarah's house that day before the meeting with management. And, he has been zoning out sometimes ever since then!" If Harry doesn't shut up soon, I will have to make him.

"Zayn falling for a girl? This should be fun. What're you gonna do next, Zayn?" Louis smirks way too much.

I realised I hadn't uttered a single word while they talked about me. I had been too surprised that they noticed me so much, and they knew way too much already. I didn't plan on letting them know. I didn't want anyone to know.

I really don't want this to be serious. She might not like me back, I'm not exactly the best guy for her. She could have anyone she wanted, especially not someone who's constantly away on tour and has rumours about him every other day.

Or worse still, she might leave me, and I'll be heartbroken. I don't want a relationship. But I'm falling for her, I can't deny it. What am I supposed to do?

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